Student Support
Applying for an Extension
Applying for an extension - check the rules to see if you have reasonable grounds then submit your application.
Applying for Assessment Re-mark & Deferred Examinations
Querying a result
Be aware that In all cases, a re-mark, if granted, will replace the original mark for the piece of assessment in the calculation of the final grade which may result in a higher or lower grade.
- Read the procedures
- Follow the procedures
- Having spoken with your tutor and Course Coordinator, if you still have an academic case that your mark does not reflect your work, fill out and follow the instructions on the Request for Assessment Re-Mark Form at the link above.
Alternative/Deferred Exam or Supplementary Assessment
- Making Alternative Exam Arrangements
- Deferred Exams at end of semester
- "Second chance" Supplementary Assessment
Applying for Permission to Enrol: Internships & independent study
Our application forms are PDFs. Please save as FAMILY NAME Given Name STUDENT ID Course Code and complete online wherever possible.
If you have trouble with the forms try a different browser.
Forms must be emailed to the School from your student account.
Contacts: or (07) 3365 2858
Click on the links below for more information and to apply:
Independent Study POLS3802, POLS7108, POLS7207
Internship (POLS3801) and Applied Field Work (POLS7125, POLS7521)
Research Project/Report/Thesis (Students in Masters programs)
- NB - CRMD7000 Mediation no longer requires an application form.
Applying for Ethical Clearance
Ethical Clearance is required for any study / research project involving human subjects.
Further information about Human Ethics and Ethical clearance application process can be found here.
Essay Guide
The School of Political Science & International Studies Essay Guide - click to download the 'how to' guide for writing & referencing at this School.
Essay-writing drop-in sessions
This semester the School will continue regular drop-in sessions designed to provide one-on-one advice and assistance in essay planning and writing. Please note: this is not a proof-reading service but details of other support services are included below that may be useful to you.
- Sem 1 2025 dates and times are shown below:
TUESDAYS 11:00am-12:00pm / Room 39A-501 | WEDNESDAYS 5pm-6pm / Room 39A-501 |
Week 5 (25 March) | |
Week 6 (1 April) | Week 8 (16 April) |
Week 9 (29 April) | Week 12 (21 May) |
Week 13 (27 May) | Week 13 (28 May) |
Other writing support resources:
Student Services and the Library also offer workshops. UQ Union provide a list of proof readers there may be cost involved and you would have to negotiate this service. UQ student support ‘Learning and Writing Skills Development Advisor’ – log in with StudentHub go to appointments and select the section labelled ‘Learning and Writing Skills Development’. You can then make an appointment with an advisor and they will look at your drafts and provide coaching on academic writing improvements.
Help and support with all aspects of student life
Student Services help with a wide range of issues that may impact you during your time at UQ.
Higher Degree by Research program
Graduate School Candidature Management Portal for HDR Students
Almost everything you need if you're a PhD or research Masters students.
See also our Higher Degree by Research page for more information..