Professor Alexander Bellamy
School of Political Science and International Studies

Researcher biography
Alex Bellamy is Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect and Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at The University of Queensland, Australia. His recent books include "Syria Betrayed: War, Atrocities and the Failure of International Diplomacy" (Columbia 2022) and "World Peace (And How We Can Achieve It)" (Oxford 2020)
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). World peace: and how we can achieve it. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. and McLoughlin, Stephen (2018). Rethinking humanitarian intervention. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Luck, Edward C. (2018). The responsibility to protect: from promise to practice. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). East Asia’s other miracle: explaining the decline of mass atrocities. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198777939.001.0001/oso-9780198777939
Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). Responsibility to protect: a defense. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198704119.001.0001
Bellamy, Alex J. (2012). Massacres and morality: mass atrocities in an age of civilian immunity. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199288427.001.0001
Bellamy, Alex J. (2011). Global politics and the responsibility to protect: from words to deeds. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203837160
Bellamy, Alex J., Williams, Paul D. and Griffin, Stuart (2010). Understanding peacekeeping. 2nd ed. Cambridge, U.K. ; Malden, MA, U.S.A.: Polity Press.
Bellamy, Alex J.. (2009). Responsibility to protect : the global effort to end mass atrocities. Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2009). War. London; New York: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alexander J. and Beeson, Mark K. (2008). Securing Southeast Asia: The Politics of Security Sector Reform. London and New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203934883
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). Fighting terror: Ethical dilemmas. London, U.K.: Zed Books.
Bellamy, A J (2006). Just wars: From Cicero to Iraq. Cambridge, U.K.: Polity Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). International Society and its Critics. Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/0199265208.001.0001
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). Security Communities and their Neighbours. Regional Fortresses or Global Integrators?. 1st ed. Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230005600
Bellamy, A. J., Williams, P. and Griffin, S (2004). Understanding Peacekeeping. 1st ed. United Kingdom: Polity Press.
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). The Formation of Croatian National Identity: A centuries-old dream?. 1 ed. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2002). Kosovo and international society. Houndmills; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9780230597600
Book Chapters
Bellamy, Alex J. (2024). Internationalized civil war. Routledge handbook of the future of warfare. (pp. 389-399) edited by Artur Gruszczak and KSebastian Kaempf. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003299011-41
Bellamy, Alex J. (2023). The responsibility to protect. Security studies an introduction. (pp. 268-283) Milton: Taylor & Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003247821-19
Bellamy, Alex J. (2023). Ending endless wars. How to end a war. (pp. 111-131) edited by Graham Parsons and Mark A. Wilson. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108992640.007
Bellamy, Alex J. (2022). The United Nations and peacemaking. Contemporary peacemaking: Peace processes, peacebuilding and conflict. (pp. 83-101) edited by Roger Mac Ginty and Anthony Wanis-St. John. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82962-9_5
Bellamy, Alex J. (2022). Sovereignty redefined: the promise and practice of R2P. The responsibility to protect twenty years on: rhetoric and implementation. (pp. 13-32) edited by Pinar Gözen Ercan. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90731-0_2
Bellamy, Alex J. (2021). The United Nations and the responsibility to rebuild. The Oxford handbook of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and peace formation. (pp. 275-287) edited by Oliver P. Richmond and Gëzim Visoka. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190904418.013.18
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). When practice doesn't make perfect: the responsibility to protect in lived reality. The global community yearbook of international law and jurisprudence 2019. (pp. 27-48) edited by Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo. New York, NY, United States: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780197513552.003.0003
Bellamy, Alex J. and Tacheva, Blagovesta (2019). R2P and the emergence of responsibilities across borders. The state and cosmopolitan responsibilities. (pp. 15-40) edited by Richard Beardsworth, Garrett Wallace Brown and Richard Shapcott. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Davies, Sara E. (2019). WPS and responsibility to protect. The Oxford handbook of women, peace, and security. (pp. 585-597) edited by Sara E. Davies and Jacqui True. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190638276.013.44
Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Responsibility to protect: justice and responsibility-related but not synonymous. War crimes trials and investigations: a multi-disciplinary introduction. (pp. 263-299) edited by Jonathan Waterlow and Jacques Schuhmacher. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64072-3_9
Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). The final battle. Last lectures on the prevention and intervention of genocide. (pp. 108-113) edited by Samuel Totten. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315409771-14
Williams, Paul D. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). UN Security Council and peace operations. International organization and global governance. (pp. 455-470) New York, NY USA: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315301914-38
Wallensteen, Peter, Wieviorka, Michel, Abraham, Itty, Aggestam, Karin, Bellamy, Alexander, Cederman, Lars-Erik, Ferret, Jerôme, Vilmer, Jean Baptiste Jeangène, Heitmeyer, Wilhelm, Muvumba-Sellström, Angela, Nathan, Laurie, Shinoda, Hideaki, Stepanova, Ekaterina and Ortiz, Olga Odgers (2018). Violence, wars, peace, security. Rethinking society for the 21st century: report of the International Panel on Social Progress. Volume 2: Political regulation, governance, and societal transformations. (pp. 411-456) edited by International Panel on Social Progress. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108399647.003
Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). The UN Security Council and the problem of mass atrocities: towards a grand bargain. Global Insecurity: Futures of Global Chaos and Governance. (pp. 311-324) edited by Anthony Burke and Rita Parker. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/978-1-349-95145-1_16
Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). Francisco de Vitoria (1492-1546). Just War Thinkers: From Cicero to the 21st Century. (pp. 77-91) edited by Daniel R. Brunstetter and Cian O’Driscoll. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315650470
Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). The ethics and laws of war. An introduction to international relations. (pp. 253-265) edited by Richard Devetak, Jim George and Sarah Percy. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781316855188.019
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). The private sector and atrocities prevention. The role of business in the responsibility to protect. (pp. 206-229) edited by John Forrer and Conor Seyle. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781316659397.011
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). UN security council. The Oxford handbook of the responsibility to protect. (pp. 249-268) edited by Alex J. Bellamy and Tim Dunne. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198753841.013.14
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). United Nations action in Sri Lanka and the responsibility to protect. Reassessing the responsibility to protect: conceptual and operational challenges. (pp. 114-141) edited by Brett R. O'Bannon. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315882512-7
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). Protecting responsibly: the security council and the use of force for human protection purposes. Strengthening the Rule of Law through the UN Security Council. (pp. 270-284) edited by Jeremy Farrall and Hilary Charlesworth. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). Operationalizing the “atrocity prevention lens”: making prevention a living reality. Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention. (pp. 61-80) edited by Sheri P. Rosenberg, Tibi Galis and Alex Zucker. New York, NY United States: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781316154632.005
Bellamy, Alexander and Williams, Paul D. (2015). Libya. The UN Security Council: From the Cold War to the 21st Century. (pp. 699-716) edited by Sebastian von Einsiedel, David M. Malone and Bruno Stagno Ugarte. Boulder, Colorado, United States: Lynne Rienner.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2015). Trends in Peace Operations, 1947-2013. The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. (pp. 13-42) edited by Joachim A. Koops, Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy and Paul D. Williams. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander (2015). Humanitarian Intervention. The Routledge handbook of global ethics. (pp. 127-140) edited by Darrel Moellendorf and Heather Widdows. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315744520-17
Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). The responsibility to protect and the just war tradition. Theorising the responsibility to protect. (pp. 181-199) edited by Ramesh Thakur and William Maley. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139644518.010
Bellamy, Alex J (2015). The responsibility to protect. The Routledge Companion to Humanitarian Action. (pp. 153-163) Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780203753422-23
Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). Australia and international peacekeeping: policies, institutions, and doctrines. Asia-Pacific nations in international peace support and stability operations. (pp. 31-58) edited by Chiyuki Aoi and Yee-Kuang Heng. New York, NY, United States: Palgrave Macmillan.
Williams, Paul D. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). The UN Security Council and Peace Operations. International organization and global governance. (pp. 415-428) edited by Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson. London: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alexander (2014). Responsibility to protect: opening humanitarian spaces. Negotiating relief: the politics of humanitarian space. (pp. 147-155) edited by Michele Acuto. London, United Kingdom: C Hurst & Co..
Bellamy, Alexander (2014). The Responsibility to Protect and Regime Change’. The ethics of armed humanitarian intervention. (pp. 166-186) edited by Don E. Scheid. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139567589.014
Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). The responsibility to protect: A wide or narrow conception?. The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): A new Paradigm of International Law?. (pp. 38-59) London, United Kingdom: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004230002_003
Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). The responsibility to protect: A wide or narrow conception?. Die Schutzverantwortung (R2P): Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklung des Internationalen Rechts?. (pp. 35-57) edited by Peter Hilpold. The Hague: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004229983_003
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2013). UN force generation: key lessons and future strategies. Providing Peacekeepers: The politics, challenges, and future of United Nations peacekeeping contributions. (pp. 437-449) edited by Paul Williams and Alex J. Bellamy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander and Williams, Paul D. (2013). Explaining the national politics of peacekeeping contributions. Providing Peacekeepers: The politics, challenges, and future of United Nations peacekeeping contributions. (pp. 417-436) edited by Paul Williams and Alex J. Bellamy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2013). Introduction: the challenge of providing peacekeepers. Providing peacekeepers: the politics, challenges, and future of United Nations peacekeeping contributions. (pp. 1-22) edited by Paul Williams and Alex J. Bellamy. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2013). The Responsibility to Protect. Security Studies: An Introduction. (pp. 486-502) edited by Paul D. Williams. New York, NY, United States: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2013). Local politics and international partnerships: The UN operation in côte d'ivoire (UNOCI). Peace Operation Success: A Comparative Analysis. (pp. 55-84) London, United Kingdom: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004245082_005
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2012). The prevention of mass atrocities: from principle to foreign policy in Australia. Why human security matters: rethinking Australian foreign policy. (pp. 486-501) edited by Dennis Altman, Joseph A. Camilleri, Robyn Eckersley and Gerhard Hoefstaedter. Sydney, NSW: Allen and Unwin.
Bellamy, Alexander (2012). Genocide. Encyclopedia of War. (pp. 1-10) edited by Gordon Martel. Malden MA, United States: Wiley-Blackwell.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Wheeler, Nicholas J. (2011). Humanitarian intervention in world politics. The globalization of world politics: an introduction to international relations. (pp. 510-527) edited by John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2011). The Responsibilities of Victory: Jus Post Bellum and the Just War. Foreign Policy Analysis. (pp. *-*) edited by Walter Carlsnaes and Stefano Guzzini. London, United Kingdom: Sage.
Bellamy, Alexander J. and Reike, Ruben (2011). The responsibility to protect and international law. The responsibility to protect and international law. (pp. *-*) Leiden, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2010). Protecting civilians in uncivil wars. Protecting the Displaced: Deepening the Responsibility to Protect. (pp. 126-161) Brill. doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004184039.i-210.38
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2010). Protecting civilians in uncivil wars. Protecting the Displaced: Deepening the Responsibility to Protect. (pp. 127-161) Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004184039.i-210
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). Kosovo and the advent of sovereignty as responsibility. Kosovo Intervention and Statebuilding: The International Community and the Transition to Independence. (pp. 38-59) Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. doi: 10.4324/9780203861790
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). Military intervention. The Oxford handbook of genocide studies. (pp. 597-616) edited by Donald Bloxham and A. Dirk Moses. Oxford, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199232116.013.0030
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2010). Protecting civilians in uncivil wars. Protecting the displaced: Deepening the responsibility to protect. (pp. 1-210) edited by Sara E. Davies and Luke Glanville. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004184039.i-210
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). Peace operations and humanitarian intervention. Issues in 21st Century World Politics. (pp. 149-161) edited by Mark Beeson and Nick Bisley. Basingstoke ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bellamy, Alex (2010). Humanitarian intervention. Contemporary security studies. (pp. 359-377) edited by Alan Collins. Oxford, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Oxford University Press.
Alex J. Bellamy (2010). The institutionalisation of peacebuilding: What role for the UN Peacebuilding Commission?. Palgrave advances in peacebuilding: Critical developments and approaches. (pp. 193-212) edited by Oliver P. Richmond. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bellamy, A. J. (2009). Torture, terrorism, and the moral prohibition on killing non-combatants. Terrorism and Torture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. (pp. 18-43) edited by Stritzke, Werner G. K., Lewandowsky, Stephan, Denemark, David, Clare, Joseph and Morgan, Frank. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511581199.003
Bellamy, Alex J. (2009). Security. Contemporary Southeast Asia: National Differences, Regional Dynamics. (pp. 175-191) edited by Mark Beeson. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Bellamy, A. J. (2009). General introduction. War: critical concepts in political science. (pp. 1-18) edited by Alex J. Bellamy. Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alexander J. and Williams, Paul D. (2008). Peace Operations. Conflict: From Analysis to Intervention. (pp. 333-357) edited by Sandra Cheldelin, Daniel Druckman and Larissa Fast. New York and London: Continuum.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Bleiker, Roland (2008). Introduction. Security and the war on terror. (pp. 1-6) edited by Alex J. Bellamy, Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davies and Richard Devetak. London, England: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203028094-5
Bellamy, Alex J. (2008). Pre-empting terror. Security and the war on terror. (pp. 106-122) edited by Alex J. Bellamy, Roland Bleiker, Sara E. Davies and Richard Devetak. London, England: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203028094
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). The International Deployment Group. Policing in Context: An Introduction to Police Work in Australia. (pp. 192-206) edited by Roderic Broadhurst and Sara E. Davies. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). Geopolitics and solidarity on the borders of Europe: The Yugoslav wars and succession. National interest and international solidarity: Particular and universal ethics in international life. (pp. 230-260) edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud and Nicholas J. Wheeler. New York, N.Y., U.S.A.: United Nations University Press.
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). The responsibility to protect. Security studies: an introduction. (pp. 422-437) edited by Paul D. Williams. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alexander (2007). The Ethics and Laws of War. Introduction to International Relations: Australian Perspectives. (pp. 179-189) edited by Richard Devetak, Anthony Burke and Jim George. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9781139168557.017
Bellamy, Alex J. (2007). The English school. International relations theory for the twenty-first century: An introduction. (pp. 75-87) edited by Martin Griffiths. Abingdon, Oxon, U.K.: Routledge.
Williams, P. and Bellamy, A. J. (2007). Contemporary peace operations: Four challenges for the brahimi paradigm. The Yearbook of International Peace Operations. (pp. 1-28) edited by Langholtz, H., Kondoch, B. and Wells, A.. Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Bellamy, A.J. and Hughes, B. (2007). Emancipation and force: The roles(s) of the military in Southeast Asia. Critical Security in the Asia Pacific. (pp. 41-55) edited by Burke, A. and McDonald, M.. United Kingdom: Manchester University Press.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2007). The English School. International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century: An Introduction. (pp. 75-87) edited by Martin Griffiths. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203939031
Bellamy, Alex J. and Edmunds, Timothy (2006). Civil-military relations in Croatia: Politicisation and politics of reform. Civil-Military relations in postcommunist Europe: Reviewing the transition. (pp. 71-94) edited by Timothy Edmunds, Andrew Cottey and Anthony Forster. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Bellamy, Alexander (2005). Introduction: International society and the English school. International society and its critics. (pp. 1-26) edited by Alex J. Bellamy. Oxford , New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/0199265208.001.0001
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Conclusion: Whither international society?. International society and its critics. (pp. 283-295) edited by Alex J. Bellamy. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/0199265208.001.0001
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Conclusion: What Future for Peace Operations? Brahimi and Beyond. Peace Operations and Global Order. (pp. 183-212) edited by Alex J Bellamy and Paul Williams. United States of America: Routledge.
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). The 'Next Stage' in Peace Operations Theory. Peace operations and global order. (pp. 17-38) edited by Alex J. Bellamy and Paul Williams. London, Engalnd, U.K.: Routledge.
Wheeler, N. J. and Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Humanitarian intervention in world politics. The Globalization of World Politics. An Introduction to International Relations. (pp. 555-578) edited by J. Baylis and S. Smith. United States: Oxford University Press Inc. New York.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul (2005). Introduction: thinking anew about peace operations. Peace operations in global order. (pp. 1-16) edited by Paul Williams and Alex J. Bellamy. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). The pursuit of security in Southeast Asia: Beyond realism. Contemporary Southeast Asia : regional dynamics, national differences. (pp. 156-177) edited by M. Beeson. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). A Crisis of Legitimacy: Military and Society in Croatia. Soldiers and Societies in postcommunist Europe: Legitimacy and Change. (pp. 185-202) edited by A. Forster, T. Edmunds and A. Cottely. Houndmills, Basingtoke, UK: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). Like drunken geese in the fog: developing democratic control of armed forces in Croatia. Democratic Control of the Military in Post-Communist Europe. (pp. 174-193) edited by Andrew Cottey and Timothy Edmunds and Anthony Foster. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). A revolution in civil-military affairs: the professionalisation of Croatia's armed forces. The Challenge of Military Reform in Post-Communist Europe: Building Professional Armed Forces. (pp. 165-182) edited by A. Forster, T. Edmunds and A. Cottey. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2001). Human wrongs in Kosovo 1974-99. The Kosovo tragedy : the human rights dimensions. (pp. 105-126) edited by Ken Booth. London: Frank Cass. doi: 10.4324/9780203045466-13
Bellamy, Alex J. (2001). Democratic Control, Professionalisation and Defence Transparency in Croatia. Defence Transparency: White Paper in Defence. (pp. 1-10) Zagreb: Defimi-Center for defendological researches.
Journal Articles
Bellamy, Alex J. (2024). A quarter of a century of civilian protection: contested concepts and the problem of sovereignty. Civil Wars, 26 (1), 228-240. doi: 10.1080/13698249.2024.2332163
Bellamy, Alex J. (2024). Review of: Ideology & Mass Killing: The Radicalized Security Politics of Genocides & Deadly Atrocities, written by Jonathan Leader Maynard. Global Responsibility to Protect, 16 (4), 1-4. doi: 10.1163/1875984x-20240006
McLoughlin, Stephen, Gifkins, Jess and Bellamy, Alex J. (2023). The evolution of mass atrocity early warning in the UN Secretariat: fit for purpose?. International Peacekeeping, 30 (4), 477-505. doi: 10.1080/13533312.2023.2236929
Hartnett, Liane, Glanville, Luke, O'Driscoll, Cian, Wilcox, Lauren, Bellamy, Alexander and Steele, Brent (2022). Winning? The politics of victory in an era of endless war. International Studies Review, 24 (1) viac006. doi: 10.1093/isr/viac006
Bellamy, Alex J. (2022). R2P and the use of force. Global Responsibility to Protect, 14 (3), 277-280. doi: 10.1163/1875-984X-20220011
Bellamy, Alex J. and Šimonović, Ivan (2021). Introduction: towards evidence based atrocity prevention. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 24 (3-4), 285-304. doi: 10.1163/18754112-24030001
Bellamy, Alex J. and Šimonović, Ivan (2021). Conclusions: lessons learned from atrocity prevention. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 24 (3-4), 543-565. doi: 10.1163/18754112-24030010
Bellamy, Alex J. and Hunt, Charles T. (2021). Using force to protect civilians in UN peacekeeping. Survival, 63 (3), 143-170. doi: 10.1080/00396338.2021.1930411
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). The thirty-year genocide: Turkey's destruction of its Christian minorities 1894-1924. International Affairs, 96 (1), 247-249. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiz268
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). Thinking about World Peace. Ethics & International Affairs, 34 (1), 47-56. doi: 10.1017/S0892679420000027
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). Introduction: Taking World Peace Seriously. Ethics & International Affairs, 34 (1), 43-45. doi: 10.1017/S0892679420000039
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). In this issue. Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 20 (4), 665-666. doi: 10.22363/2313-0660-2020-20-4-665-666
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). The cosmopolitan tradition: a noble but flawed ideal. International Affairs, 95 (6), 1443-1444. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiz206
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). The hell of good intentions: America's foreign policy elite and the decline of US primacy. International Affairs, 95 (5), 1199-1201.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). The great delusion: liberal dreams and international realities. International Affairs, 95 (5), 1199-1201.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). The peacemakers: leadership lessons from twentieth-century statesmanship. International Affairs, 95 (4), 927-929. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiz111
Bellamy, Alex J. and McLoughlin, Stephen (2019). Human protection and the politics of armed intervention: with responsibility comes accountability. Global Responsibility to Protect, 11 (3), 333-361. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-01103005
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). Rules for rebels: the science of victory in military history. International Affairs, 95 (3), 714-715. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiz058
Bellamy, Alex J. (2019). The grey zone: civilian protection between human rights and the laws of war. International Affairs, 95 (1), 214-215. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiy249
Bellamy, Alex J., Davies, Sara E. and Glanville, Luke (2018). Editorial: Global R2P at ten … and beyond. Global Responsibility to Protect, 10 (4), 389-392. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-01004002
Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Ending atrocity crimes: the false promise of fatalism. Ethics and International Affairs, 32 (3), 329-337. doi: 10.1017/S089267941800045X
Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Review of Human Rights and War Through Civilian Eyes. By Thomas W. Smith. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. 272p. Perspectives On Politics, 16 (1), 287-288. doi: 10.1017/S1537592717004091
Bellamy, Alex J. (2018). Holding back the tide: genocide prevention in our more violent world. Genocide Studies and Prevention, 12 (3), 10-19. doi: 10.5038/1911-9933.12.3.1563
Bellamy, Alex J. (2017). Negotiating the responsibility to protect in the UN system: the roles of formal and informal groups. Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 12 (2-3), 197-220. doi: 10.1163/1871191X-12341363
Alex J. Bellamy (2017). Contemporary war and the crisis of human protection. Brown Journal of International Affairs, 24 (1), 105-120.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). The humanisation of security? Towards an International Human Protection Regime. European Journal of International Security, 1 (1), 112-133. doi: 10.1017/eis.2015.5
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). The question of intervention: John Stuart Mill and the responsibility to protect. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 29 (1), 341-343. doi: 10.1080/09557571.2015.1118853
Bellamy, Alex J. (2016). Atrocity prevention: from promise to practice in the Asia Pacific. Global Responsibility to Protect, 8 (2-3), 180-199. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00803006
Bellamy, Alex J. and Hunt, Charles T. (2015). Twenty-first century UN peace operations: protection, force and the changing security environment. International Affairs, 91 (6), 1277-1298. doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.12456
Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). When states go bad: The termination of state perpetrated mass killing. Journal of Peace Research, 52 (5), 565-576. doi: 10.1177/0022343315569333
Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). The responsibility to protect turns ten. Ethics and International Affairs, 29 (2), 161-185. doi: 10.1017/S0892679415000052
Bellamy, Alex J. (2015). A death foretold? Human rights, responsibility to protect and the persistent politics of power. Cooperation and Conflict, 50 (2), 286-293. doi: 10.1177/0010836714545693
Bellamy, Alex J (2015). A chronic protection problem: The DPRK and the responsibility to protect. International Affairs, 91 (2), 225-244. doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.12232
Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). Respostas internacionais às crises de proteção de pessoas: a responsabilidade de proteger e o surgimento de um novo regime de proteção. Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, 104 (104), 45-66. doi: 10.4000/rccs.5680
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2014). From Tripoli to Damascus: lesson learning and the implementation of the responsibility to protect. International Politics, 51 (1), 23-44. doi: 10.1057/ip.2013.42
Bellamy, Alex J. and Slim, Hugo (2014). Introduction: the responsibility to protect and humanitarian action. Global Responsibility to Protect, 6 (2), 117-125. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00602002
Bellamy, Alex J. (2014). The other Asian miracle? The decline of mass atrocities in East Asia. Global Change, Peace and Security, 26 (1), 1-19. doi: 10.1080/14781158.2014.865600
Bellamy, Alex J (2013). The Responsibility to Protect: Added Value or Hot Air?. Cooperation and Conflict, 40 (3), 333-357. doi: 10.1177/0010836713482448
Bellamy, Alex J. and Pape, Robert A. (2013). Reconsidering the Cases of Humanitarian Intervention. International Security, 38 (2), 200-202. doi: 10.1162/ISEC_c_00141
Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). Making RtoP a living reality: reflections on the 2012 General Assembly dialogue on timely and decisive response. Global Responsibility to Protect, 5 (1), 109-125. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00501006
Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). Mainstreaming the responsibility to protect in the United Nations system: dilemmas, challenges and opportunities. Global Responsibility to Protect, 5 (2), 154-191. doi: 10.1163/1875984X-00502003
Bellamy, Alex J. (2012). Massacres and morality: mass killing in an age of civilian immunity. Human Rights Quarterly, 34 (4), 927-958. doi: 10.1353/hrq.2012.0066
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2012). On the limits of moral hazard: the 'responsibility to protect', armed conflict and mass atrocities. European Journal of International Relations, 18 (3), 539-571. doi: 10.1177/1354066110393366
Williams, Paul D. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2012). Principles, politics and prudence: Libya and the new politics of humanitarian war. Global Governance, 18 (3), 273-297. doi: 10.5555/1075-2846-18.3.273
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2012). Mass killing and the politics of legitimacy: empire and the ideology of selective extermination. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 58 (2), 159-180. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2012.01630.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2012). Getting away with mass murder. Journal of Genocide Research, 14 (1), 29-53. doi: 10.1080/14623528.2012.649894
Bellamy, Alex J. (2012). Perpetual battle. Survival, 54 (3), 169-178. doi: 10.1080/00396338.2012.690991
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2012). Local politics and international partners: the United Nations operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI). Journal of International Peacekeeping, 16 (3-4), 252-281. doi: 10.1163/18754112-1604004
Bellamy, Alex J. and Drummond, Catherine (2011). The responsibility to protect in Southeast Asia: between non-interference and sovereignty as responsibility. Pacific Review, 24 (2) PII 937840277, 179-200. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2011.560958
Bellamy, Alex J . and Williams, Paul D. (2011). The New Politics of Protection: Cote d’Ivoire, Libya and the Responsibility to Protect. International Affairs, 87 (4), 825-850. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2011.01006.x
Hunt, Charles T. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2011). Mainstreaming the responsibility to protect in peace operations. Civil Wars, 13 (1), 1-20. doi: 10.1080/13698249.2011.555688
Bellamy, Alex J. (2011). Libya and the Responsibility to Protect. Ethics and International Affairs, 25 (3), 263-269. doi: 10.1017/S0892679411000219
Bellamy, Alex J. and Beeson, Mark (2010). The Responsibility to Protect in Southeast Asia: Can ASEAN Reconcile Humanitarianism and Sovereignty. Asian Security, 6 (3), 262-279. doi: 10.1080/14799855.2010.507414
Bellamy, Alex J. and Reike, Ruben (2010). The Responsibility to Protect and International. Global Responsibility to Protect, 2 (3), 267-286. doi: 10.1163/187598410X500390
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). The responsibility to protect and Australian foreign policy. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 64 (4), 432-448. doi: 10.1080/10357710903544106
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). A cyclone is not enough. Natural Hazards Observer, 34 (3), 1-9-15.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2010). The Responsibility to Protect—Five Years On. Ethics and International Affairs, 24 (2), 143-169. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-7093.2010.00254.x
Bellamy, AJ (2010). The evolution of International Security Studies.. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, 86 (1), 257-258.
Bellamy, Alex (2010). The steps to war: An empirical study. Political Studies Review, 8 (1), 96-96. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-9302.2009.00209_2.x
Bellamy, Alex J. and Davies, Sara E. (2009). The responsibility to protect in the Asia-Pacific region. Security Dialogue, 40 (6), 547-574. doi: 10.1177/0967010609349907
Bellamy, A. J. and Davies, S. (2009). OCIS and Beyond: International Relations in Australia: Introduction. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 55 (3), 317-323. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2009.1519a.x
Bellamy, A. J. (2009). Kosovo and the Advent of Sovereignty as Responsibility. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 3 (2), 163-184.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2009). Realizing the responsibility to protect. International Studies Perspectives, 10 (2), 111-128. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-3585.2009.00365.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2009). A Reply to my critics. The British Journal of Politics and International Studies, 11 (3), 541-553. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-856X.2009.00370.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2009). When is it Right to Fight? International Law and Jus ad Bellum. Journal of Military Ethics, 8 (3), 231-245. doi: 10.1080/15027570903230299
Bellamy, A. J. and Williams, P. D. (2009). The West and Contemporary Peace Operations. Journal of Peace Research, 46 (1), 39-57. doi: 10.1177/0022343308098403
Bellamy, Alex J. (2008). The Responsibilities of Victory: Jus Post Bellum and the Just War. Review of International Studies, 34 (4), 601-625. doi: 10.1017/S026021050800819X
Bellamy, Alex J. (2008). The responsibility to protect and the problem of military intervention. International Affairs, 84 (4), 615-639. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2008.00729.x
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). Conflict prevention and the responsibility to protect. Global Governance, 14 (2), 135-156. doi: 10.1163/19426720-01402003
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). Is Torture Ever Justified?. Security Solutions, 56 (Nov/Dec 2008), 57-66.
Bellamy, Alexander J. (2008). The Ethics of Terror Bombing: Beyond Supreme Emergency. Journal of Military Ethics, 7 (1), 41-65. doi: 10.1080/15027570801953448
Bellamy, Alex J. (2007). Understanding and regulating contemporary war. Australian Journal of Political Science, 42 (4), 701-709. doi: 10.1080/10361140701689214
Bellamy, Alex J. and Bleiker, Roland (2007). Introduction. Security and the War on Terror, 1-6. doi: 10.4324/9780203028094
Bellamy, Alex J. (2007). Just and Unjust Wars: Thirty Years on. Journal of Military Ethics, 6 (2), 89-90. doi: 10.1080/15027570701436866
Bellamy, A. J. (2007). Dirty hands and lesser evils in the war on terror. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, 9 (3), 509-526. doi: 10.1111/j1467-856x.2006.00255.x
Bellamy, AJ (2007). International organizations and peace enforcement: the politics of international legitimacy. International Affairs, 83 (5), 985-985.
Bellamy, AJ (2007). The best intentions: Kofi Annan and the UN in the era of American power.. International Affairs, 83 (3), 579-579.
Bellamy, AJ (2007). War and the law of nations: a general history.. International Affairs, 83 (1), 194-195.
Bellamy, AJ (2007). Of law and war.. International Affairs, 83 (1), 194-195.
Bellamy, AJ (2007). What is genocide?. International Affairs, 83 (3), 576-577.
Bellamy, AJ (2007). The price of peace: just war in the twenty-first century. International Affairs, 83 (5), 977-977.
Williams, Paul D. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2007). Contemporary Peace Operations: Four Challenges for the Brahimi Paradigm. Journal of International Peacekeeping, 11 (1). doi: 10.1163/187541107X00024
Bellamy, Alex J. (2006). Among the dead cities: was the Allied bombing of civilians in WWII a necessity or a crime? By A. C. Grayling. London: Bloomsbury. 2006. 361pp. Index. Pb.: £12.99. isbn 0 7475 8502 4.. International Affairs, 82 (6), 1186-1187. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2006.00594.x
Bellamy, A. J. (2006). Whither the responsibility to protect? Humanitarian intervention and the 2005 World Summit. Ethics and International Affairs, 20 (2), 143-169. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-7093.2006.00012.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2006). Introduction. Journal of Military Ethics, 5 (2), 82-83. doi: 10.1080/15027570600707664
Bellamy, A. J. (2006). Protecting human rights: A comparative study. International Affairs, 82 (3), 578-578. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2006.00553.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2006). Book Review: Simon Caney, Justice beyond Borders: A Global Political Theory. Millennium-journal of International Studies, 34 (2), 597-599. doi: 10.1177/03058298060340021706
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2006). The UN Security Council and the question of humanitarian intervention in Darfur. Journal of Military Ethics, 5 (2), 144-160. doi: 10.1080/15027570600707680
Bellamy, Alex J. (2006). No pain, no gain? Torture and ethics in the war on terror. International Affairs, 82 (1), 121-148. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2006.00518.x
Beeson, Mark, Bellamy, Alex J. and Hughes, Bryn (2006). Taming the tigers? Reforming the security sector in Southeast Asia. The Pacific Review, 19 (4), 449-472. doi: 10.1080/09512740600984804
Bellamy, A. J. (2006). Book review of: I. William Zartman, Cowardly Lions: Missed Opportunities to Prevent Deadly Conflict and State Collapse. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 60 (1), 180-181.
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Review of: The ethics of peace and war: from state security to world community. International Affairs, 81 (5), 1123-1125. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2005.00506.x
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Is the war on terror just?. International Relations, 19 (3), 275-296. doi: 10.1177/0047117805055407
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Responsibility to protect or Trojan Horse? The crisis in darfur and humanitarian intervention after Iraq. Ethics and International Affairs, 19 (2), 31-53. doi: 10.1111/j.1747-7093.2005.tb00499.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Book review of : Goldstein, Joshua S., 2004. The Real Price of War: How You Pay for the War on Terror. Journal of Peace Research, 42 (5), 640-641. doi: 10.1177/0022343305056239
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Book Review: Cathal J. Nolan (ed.), Ethics and Statecraft: The Moral Dimension of International Affairs. Millennium-journal of International Studies, 34 (1), 271-273. doi: 10.1177/03058298050340010902
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Review of: Legitimacy in international society by Ian Clark. International Affairs, 81 (3), 635-636. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2005.00473.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Introduction: International Society and the English School. International Society and its Critics doi: 10.1093/0199265208.003.0001
Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). Preface and Acknowledgements. International Society and its Critics
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2005). Who's keeping the peace? Regionalization and contemporary peace operations. International Security, 29 (4), 157-195. doi: 10.1162/isec.2005.29.4.157
Williams, Paul D. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2005). The responsibility to protect and the crisis in Darfur. Security Dialogue, 36 (1), 27-47. doi: 10.1177/0967010605051922
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Book Review: Reading humanitarian intervention: Human rights and the use of force in international law. Australian Journal Of International Affairs, 59 (2), 227-228.
Bellamy, A. J. and McDonald, M. (2005). Because I said so: A response to Makinda. Australian Journal of Political Science, 40 (4), 555-558. doi: 10.1080/10361140500302407
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Book Review: The United States and the rule of law in international affairs. International Affairs, 81(1) (-), 221-222.
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Book Review: The myth of ethnic war: Serbia and Croatia in the 1990s.By G P Gagnon Jr Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press, 2004 ISBN 0 8014 4264 8. International Affairs, 81 (2), 461-462.
Bellamy, A. J. (2005). Book Review: Just war theory: a reappraisal.. International Affairs, 81 (5), 1123-1125.
Bellamy, A. J. and Edmunds, T. (2005). Civil-Military Relations in Croatia: Politicisation and Politics of Reform.. European Security, 14 (1, March), 71-93. doi: 10.1080/09662830500042338
Bellamy, A. J. and McDonald, M. (2005). Debate - The insecurities of an English school gatekeeper: A reply to Makinda. Australian Journal of Political Science, 40 (3, September), 411-417. doi: 10.1080/10361140500203969
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). Supreme Emergencies and the protection of non-combatants in war. International Affairs, 80 (5), 829-850. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00421.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : Great Powers and outlaw states: unequal sovereigns in the international legal order. By Gerry Simpson. International Affairs, 80 (5), 990-990. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00431.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : From international to world society? English School theory and the social structure of globalisation. By Barry Buzan. International Affairs, 80 (5), 985-986. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00431.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : The Battle for Hearts and Minds: Using Soft Power to Undermine Terrorist Networks. Edited by Alexander T. J. Lennon. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 50 (3), 466-467. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2004.00347.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : Power in Transition: The Peaceful Change of International Order. By Charles A.Kupchan, Emanuel Adler, Jean-Marc Coicaud and Yuen Foong Khong. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 50 (3), 461-462. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2004.00347.x
Bellamy, Alex J. and McDonald, Matt (2004). Securing international society: Towards an English School discourse of security. Australian Journal of Political Science, 39 (2), 307-330. doi: 10.1080/1036114042000238537
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : The politics of international law. Edited by Christian Reus-Smit. International Affairs, 80 (4), 771-772. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00415.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book Review: Sandra Halperin, War and Social Change in Modern Europe: The Great Transformation Revisited. Millennium-journal of International Studies, 33 (2), 462-465. doi: 10.1177/03058298040330020925
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : Between anarchy and society: trusteeship and the obligations of power. By William Bain. International Affairs, 80 (2), 368-369. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00388.x
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of : Terrorism, Freedom and Security: Winning Without War. By Philip B. Heymann. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 50 (1), 153-154. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8497.2004.00327.x
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). Ethics and intervention: The 'humanitarian exception' and the problem of abuse in the case of Iraq. Journal of Peace Research: An interdisciplinary and international quarterly of scholarly work in peace, 41 (2), 131-147. doi: 10.1177/0022343304041777
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). Motives, outcomes, intent and the legitimacy of humanitarian intervention. Journal of Military Ethics: Normative aspects of the use of military force, 3 (3), 216-232. doi: 10.1080/15027570410006192
Bellamy, A. J. and Williams, P. (2004). Conclusion: What future for peace operations? Brahimi and beyond.. International Peacekeeping. Peace operations and Global Order, 11 (1), 183-212. doi: 10.1080/1353331042000228517
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul (2004). Introduction: Thinking anew about peace operations. International Peacekeeping: Special issue Peace operations and global order, 11 (1), 1-15. doi: 10.1080/1353331042000228427
Bellamy, A. J. (2004). The 'next stage' in peace operations theory?. International Peacekeeping. Special issue on peace operations and global order, 11 (1), 17-38. doi: 10.1080/1353331042000228436
Bellamy, Alex J. (2004). Book review of: The just war revisited. By Oliver O’Donovan. International Affairs, 80 (1), 118-119. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2346.2004.00373.x
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). Power, rules and argument: New approaches to humanitarian intervention. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 57 (3), 499-512. doi: 10.1080/1035771032000142617
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Book review of: The Balkans after the Cold War: from tyranny to tragedy. By Tom Gallagher. International Affairs, 79 (5), 1122-1123. doi: 10.1046/j.1468-2346.2003.00356.x
Beeson, Mark K. and Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Globalisation, security and international order after 11 September. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 49 (3), 339-354. doi: 10.1111/1467-8497.00290
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Book review of: Boundaries and Justice: Diverse Ethical Perspectives. Edited by David Miller and Sohail H. Hashmi. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 49 (3), 464-465. doi: 10.1111/1467-8497.00299
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Book review of: Global Insecurity: Restructuring the Global Military Sector, Volume III. Edited by Mary Kaldor. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 49 (3), 463-464. doi: 10.1111/1467-8497.00299
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). Humanitarian responsibilities and interventionist claims in international society. Review of International Studies, 29 (3), 321-340. doi: 10.1017/S0260210503003218
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Security sector reform: Problems and prospects. Global Change, Peace & Security, 15 (2), 101-119. doi: 10.1080/14781150303903
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). Humanitarian intervention and the three traditions. Global Society, 17 (1), 3-20. doi: 10.1080/0953732032000053971
Bellamy, A. J. (2003). International Law and the War with Iraq. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 4 (2), 497-519.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Book review of: Derek Heater, World Citizenship: Cosmopolitan Thinking and its Opponents. Australian Journal of Political Science, 38 (2), 370-371. doi: 10.1080/1036114032000092724
Bellamy, Alex J. (2003). Rethinking humanitarian intervention: a fresh legal approach based on fundamental ethical principles in international law and world religions. International Affairs, 79 (1), 180-181. doi: 10.1111/1468-2346.00301
Bellamy, A. J. and McDonald, M. (2002). 'The utility of human security': Which humans? What security? A reply to Thomas & Tow. Security Dialogue, 33 (3), 373-377. doi: 10.1177/0967010602033003010
Bellamy, Alex J. and Hanson, Marianne (2002). Justice Beyond Borders? Australia and the International Criminal Court. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 56 (3), 417-433. doi: 10.1080/1035771022000019732
Bellamy, AJ (2002). The people, press and politics of Croatia. International Affairs, 78 (4), 906-907.
Bellamy, AJ (2002). Ethnic times: exploring ethnonationalism in the former Yugoslavia. International Affairs, 78 (3), 627-628.
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). The great beyond: rethinking military responses to new wars and complex emergencies. Journal of defence studies, 2 (1), 25-50.
Bellamy, A. J. and Griffin, S (2002). OSCE peacekeeping: lessons from the Kosovo verification mission. European Security, 11 (1), 1-26. doi: 10.1080/09662830208407522
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). What's so wrong with human rights?. International Journal of Human Rights, 6 (4), 121-134.
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). The new wolves at the door: conflict in Macedonia. Civil Wars, 5 (1), 117-144. doi: 10.1080/13698240208402497
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). The catholic church and Croatia's two transitions. Religion, State and Society, 30 (1), 45-62.
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). Pragmatic solidarism and the dilemmas of humanitarian intervention. Millennium-journal of International Studies, 31 (3), 473-497. doi: 10.1177/03058298020310030601
Bellamy, Alex J. (2002). Book review of: Ward Thomas, The Ethics of Destruction: Norms and Force in International Relations. Millennium-journal of International Studies, 31 (1), 174-176. doi: 10.1177/03058298020310010906
Bellamy, Alex J. (2002). The catholic church and croatia's two transitions1. Religion, State and Society, 30 (1), 45-61. doi: 10.1080/09637490220127620
Bellamy, Alex J. (2001). Croatia after Tudjman: The 2000 parliamentary and presidential elections. Problems of Post-Communism, 48 (5), 18-31. doi: 10.1080/10758216.2001.11655948
Bellamy, Alex (2001). Reconsidering Rambouillet. Contemporary Security Policy, 22 (1), 31-56. doi: 10.1080/13523260512331391056
Bellamy, Alex J. (2000). Lessons unlearned: Why coercive diplomacy failed at Rambouillet. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 7 (2), 95-114. doi: 10.1080/13533310008413837
Bellamy, Alex J. (1999). Reclaiming the Croatian flag. Rethinking History, 3 (3), 324-328. doi: 10.1080/13642529908596355
Conference Papers
Bellamy, Alex J. (2020). How much peace is enough? A reflection on Richard Caplan’s measuring peace. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.1080/17449057.2020.1759917
Bellamy, A. J. (2002). Is there an English school discourse of security?. APSA50, Canberra, Australia, 2-4 October, 2002. Canberra, Australia: ANU.
Newspaper Article
Barber, Rebecca and Bellamy, Alex (2021, 05 04). It’s time for the General Assembly to step up its response to massive human rights violations International Service for Human Rights
Research Reports
Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). The responsibility to protect: towards a “Living Reality”. London, United Kingdom: United Nations Association-UK.
Bellamy, Alex J. (2013). Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding. Canberra, ACT, Australia: United Nations Association of Australia.
Bellamy, Alex J. and Williams, Paul D. (2012). Broadening the Base of United Nations Troop- and Police-Contributing Countries. New York, NY, United States: International Peace Institute.