Dr Anne Brown
Adjunct Research Senior Fellow
School of Political Science and International Studies

Brown, M. Anne (2002). Human rights and the borders of suffering. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press.
Book Chapters
Brown, M. Anne (2013). Anthropology and peacebuilding. The Routledge handbook of peacebuilding. (pp. 132-146) edited by Roger Mac Ginty. Abington, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Brown, Anne M. (2012). The nation-building agenda in Timor-Leste. Security, Development and Nation-Building in Timor-Leste: A Cross-Sectoral Assessment. (pp. 17-38) London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203828199
Brown, Anne and Gusmao, Alex (2012). Looking for the owner of the house - Who is making peace in rural East Timor. Hybrid forms of peace: From everyday agency to post- liberalism. (pp. 107-130) edited by Oliver P. Richmond and Audra Mitchell. Basingstoke, Hampshire, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brown, M. Anne (2012). Trajectories of State transformation - Political community in East Timor. Rethinking the foundations of the State, an analysis of post-crisis situations. (pp. 87-104) edited by Claske Dijkema, Karine Gatelier, Ivan Samson and Josiane Tercinet. Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant.
Brown, M. Anne (2011). The nation-building agenda in Timor-Leste. Security, development and nation-building in Timor-Leste : A cross-sectoral assessment. (pp. 17-37) edited by Vandra Harris and Andrew Goldsmith. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Brown, M. Anne (2010). State identity. Encyclopedia of Identity. (pp. 782-785) edited by Ronald L. Jackson. Thousand Oaks Ca USA: Sage Publications.
Brown, M. Anne (2010). Local identity and local authority: Culture and local government in Timor-Leste. Locating democracy: Representation, election and governance in Timor-Leste. (pp. 42-51) edited by Steven Farram. Darwin, NT, Australia: Charles Darwin University Press.
Brown, M. Anne, Boege, Volker, Clements, Kevin P. and Nolan, Anna (2010). Challenging statebuilding as peacebuilding: Working with hybrid political orders to build peace. Palgrave advances in peacebuilding: Critical developments and approaches. (pp. 99-115) edited by Oliver P. Richmond. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brown, M. Anne (2010). Nation-building across rural and urban Timor-Leste: The formation of political community. Nation-building across the urban and rural in Timor-Leste: Conference report. (pp. 16-18) edited by Damian Grenfell, Mayra Walsh, Januario Soares, Sofie Anselmi, Annie Sloman, Victoria Stead and Anna Trembath. Melbourne, Australia: Globalism Research Centre, RMIT University.
Brown, M. Anne (2010). La "construccion del Estado", la "construccion de la Nacion" y la comunidad politica en Timor Oriental ["State building", "Nation Building", and the political community in East Timor]. Construcción de la paz, seguridad y cooperación al desarrollo [Peacebuilding, security and development cooperation]. (pp. ---) edited by José Antonio Sanahuja. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Complutense/Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales.
Brown, M. Anne and Gusmao, Alex (2010). Political community and peace-building in East Timor. Hatene kona ba, Compreender, Understanding, Mengerti Timor-Leste. (pp. 21-25) edited by Michael Leach, Nuno Canas Mendes, Antero B. de Silva, Alarico da Costa Ximenes and Bob Boughton. Hawthorn, VIC, Australia: Swinburne Press for Timor-Leste Studies Association.
Boege, Volker, Brown, M. Anne, Clements, Kevin and Nolan, Anna (2009). Gobernanza y ciudadania en los ordenes politicos hibridos: un cambio de perspective en la nocion de construcdcion del Estado. Crisis Y Cambio En La Sociedad Global (Translation - On hybrid political orders and energy states in building peace in the absence of states). (pp. 63-81) edited by Manuela Mesa. Madrid Spain: Ceipaz.
Brown, Anne, Boege, Volker and Nolan, Anna (2009). Security issues of the Pacific islands. The Far East and Australasia 2010. (pp. 934-944) edited by Lynn Daniel. London: Routledge.
Brown, M. Anne (2009). Faith, community and tradition. Peter Kennedy: The man who threatened Rome. (pp. 168-175) edited by Bernadette Walters. Australia: One Day Hill.
Brown, M. Anne (2008). Custom and Identity: Reflections on and Representations of Violence in Melanesia. Promoting conflict or peace through identity. (pp. 183-208) edited by Nikki Slocum-Bradley. Burlington, USA: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315602523-14
Brown, M. A., Boege, V. and Nolan, A. (2007). Security issues of the Pacific Islands. The Far East and Australasia 2008. (pp. 900-909) edited by Daniel, L.. London: Routledge.
Brown, M. A. (2007). Conclusion. Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resilience in Emerging States. (pp. 287-301) edited by M. A. Brown. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Brown, M. A. (2007). Security and development: Conflict and resilience in the Pacific Islands region. Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resilience in Emerging States. (pp. 1-31) edited by M. A. Brown. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Brown, A. M. A. and Viviani, N. (2001). Population, migration, and refugee trends. International Relations in the New Century. (pp. 117-137) edited by Hanson, M, Tow and W. Victoria, Aust.: Oxford Uni Press.
Journal Articles
Dos Santos, E. Santana, Caputo, S. M., Castera, L., Gendrot, M., Briaux, A., Breault, M., Krieger, S., Rogan, P. K., Mucaki, E. J., Burke, L. J., Bièche, I., Houdayer, C., Vaur, D., Stoppa-Lyonnet, D., Brown, M. A., Lallemand, F. and Rouleau, E. (2017). Assessment of the functional impact of germline BRCA1/2 variants located in non-coding regions in families with breast and/or ovarian cancer predisposition. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 168 (2), 311-325. doi: 10.1007/s10549-017-4602-0
Brown, M. Anne (2014). Formacao do Estado e da comindade política em Timoro-Leste: A centralidade do local. Revista Critica de Ciencias Sociais, 104 (104), 101-122. doi: 10.4000/rccs.5717
Brown, M. Anne (2012). Hybrid governance and democratization - village governance in Timor-Leste. Local Global, 11, 156-164.
Brown, M. Anne (2012). Entangled worlds: villages and political community in Timor-Leste. Local Global, 11, 54-71.
Brown, M. Ann (2012). Culture clash. Global: The International Briefing, 9, 67-67.
Brown, M. Anne (2010). Without grip: In state-building in East Timor, were traditional values ignored?. Welt-Sichten, Fragile States (12), 33-36.
Boege, Volker, Brown, M. Anne, Clements, Kevin P. and Nolan, Anna (2009). On hybrid political orders and emerging states: What is failing – states in the global south or research and politics in the West?. Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation Dialogue Series (8), 15-35.
Boege, Volker, Brown, Anne, Clements, Kevin and Nolan, Anna (2009). Undressing the Emperor: a reply to our discussants. Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series (8), 87-93.
Brown, M. Anne and Gusmao, Alex Freitas (2009). Peacebuilding and Political Hybridity in East Timor. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, 21 (1), 61-69. doi: 10.1080/10402650802690086
Brown, Anne, M. (2009). Security, development and the nation building agenda - East Timor. Conflict, Security & Development, 9 (2), 141-164. doi: 10.1080/14678800902924971
Boege, Volker, Brown, Anne and Clements, Kevin (2009). Hybrid political orders, not fragile states. Peace Review, 21 (1), 13-21. doi: 10.1080/10402650802689997
Boege, Volker, Brown, Anne, Clements, Kevin and Nolan, Anna (2009). Building peace and political community in hybrid political orders. International Peacekeeping, 16 (5), 599-615. doi: 10.1080/13533310903303248
Boege, Volker, Brown, M. Anne, Clements, Kevin P. and Nolan, Anna (2008). States emerging from hybrid political orders: Pacific experiences The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Occasional Papers Series.. Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Occasional Papers, x (11), 1-41.
Boege, Volker, Brown, Anne, Clements, Kevin and Nolan, Anna (2008). On hybrid political orders and emerging states: What is failing - states in the global south or research and politics in the west?. Berghof Handbook Dialogue Series (8), 15-35.
Clements, K. P., Boege, V., Brown, A., Foley, W. and Nolan, A. (2007). State building reconsidered: The role of hybridity in the formation of political order. Political Science, 59 (1), 45-56. doi: 10.1177/003231870705900106
Westoby, P. and Brown, A. M. (2007). Peaceful community development in Vanuatu: A reflection on the Vanuatu kastom governance partnership. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 3 (3), 77-81. doi: 10.1080/15423166.2007.390449351269
Brown, M A (2006). Capacity building and local government in Vanuatu. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Newsletter, 2006, 10-11.
Brown, M. A. (2006). Report on development and security in the Pacific Island region. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Newsletter, 2006, 8-9.
Brown, M. A. (2005). Development and security in the Pacific Island region. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Newsletter, 4-4.
Conference Papers
Brown, Anne (2008). State Fragility: Some limitations as an explanatory category in development. ISA 49th Annual Convention, Bridging Multiple Divides, San Francisco, Ca.,U.S.A., 26-29 March 2008. San Francisco, Ca.,U.S.A.: International Studies Association.
Brown, M. Anne and Gusmao, Alex (2008). East Timor - Peace-building, state formation and custom. International Peace Research Association Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 15 - 19 July 2008. Leuven, Belgium: International Peace Research Association.
Brown, M. Anne (2008). Security, development and the nation-building agenda. Timor-Leste: Security, development and the nation-building agenda. Workshop, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 19-20 September 2008. Adelaide, SA, Australia: Flinders International Asia Pacific Institute, Flinders Law School, the Australian Federal Police and AusAID..
Brown, Anne. (2007). Gender and Customary Governance in Vanuatu. 10th Pacific Islands Political Studies Association (PIPSA) Conference, Port Vila, Vanuatu, 7-8 Dec 2007. Pacific Islands Political Studies Association.
Brown, Anne (2006). Local governance, citizenship and institutions of government as fundamental to the workings of a modern state: An Australia-Vanuatu project report. The Pacific in Australia - Australia in the Pacific, Carseldine, QLD, Australia, 24-27 January 2006. Brisbane, Qld, Australia: QUT Publications & Printing.
Brown, A. M. A. (2001). Rights - evangelisms, uncertainties and dialogue. Rethinking Humanitarianism Conference, UQ, St Lucia, 24-26 Sept 2001. Brisbane: The UQ Printery.
Research Reports
Loode, Serge, Nolan, Anna, Brown, Anne and Clements, Kevin (2009). Conflict management processes for land-related conflict. Suva, Fiji: Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.
Brown, M. Anne (2008). East Timor report: 'Towards effective and legitimate governance: States emerging from hybrid political orders'. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, The University of Queensland.
Brown, M. Anne and Nolan, Anna (2008). Vanuatu report: 'Towards effective and legitimate governance: States emerging from hybrid political orders'. Brisbane, Australia: Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, The University of Queensland.
Brown, M A (2006). Development and security in the Pacific Island region. New York: International Peace Academy.