Undergraduate study

Undergraduate Study

We offer:

  • Three majors: Political Science, International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies.
  • World class and award winning teachers
  • Innovative assessment that is directly connected with work-related skills for future employability, including writing policy briefs, doing simulations, and an undergraduate internship program
  • Voted the Best School in Australia for Undergraduate Study in International Relations
  • The 2020 Graduate Outcomes Survey (QILT) found that 96% of UQ Political Science graduates were in full-time employment three years after graduation.

Political Science

The major in political science will give students in-depth understanding of competing visions of society and global complexity; power, authority and regulation; conflict and cooperation in democratic societies; and political identity. It will provide students with an in-depth knowledge of ideas, ideologies, formal and informal institutions, political culture, participation and citizenship, representation and democracy.

Graduates of this major will be able to practice democratic problem-solving, exercise capacity for independent thought and decision-making, skilfully analyse, demonstrate individual and collaborative written and oral communication skills, understand and engage with collective decision making, locate their own political identity and values, assess the plausibility of facts and arguments, identify core assumptions that animate political actions, and translate learning into policy, engagement and impact.

Graduates of this major will be adaptive, able to view problems from multiple vantage points, critical thinkers, and active citizens who are confident in their capacity for political leadership.

Study Political Science as a single major or an extended major in the ​Bachelor of Arts.


International Relations

The major in international relations will give students in-depth understanding of the nature and exercise of power in world politics; the origins, constitution and development of the international system; how ideas shape order, justice and security; Australia’s role in global affairs, the interplay between domestic, international and transnational politics, and a diverse range of state and non-state actors. It will provide students with in-depth knowledge of core issues in world politics, and different theoretical approaches and conceptual frameworks for understanding world politics.

Graduates of this major will be able to apply theories of, and concepts in, international relations to make sense of world politics, problem-solve in complex political terrains, critically analyse and synthesise information to provide guidance in foreign policy, think strategically and ethically about national interests, communicate effectively, apply their knowledge to a rapidly shifting global landscape, and translate learning into policy, engagement and impact.

Graduates of this major will be global citizens, intellectually open and flexible, aware of and sensitive to cultural difference, and motivated to make positive change through global engagement.

Study International Relations as a single major or extended major in the ​Bachelor of Arts, or as a single major in the Bachelor of International Studies.

Peace and Conflict Studies

The major views peace and conflict studies as a distinctive ethical and intellectual approach to the causes and dynamics of conflict. It will provide an in-depth understanding of equity, diversity and inclusivity in peace and conflict dynamics. It will give students in-depth knowledge of strategies and processes for responding to, managing and resolving conflict from the local to the international; peacebuilding and the non-violent resolution of conflictl and the relationship between the theories and practices of conflict mediation and management.

Graduates of this major will be able to analyse the causes and dynamics of conflict, assess and evaluate evidence, design and promote strategies for peace and conflict resolution, articulate the advantages of peace and conflict resolution approaches, design peace and conflict interventions with a diverse array of stakeholders, recognise the importance of equity, diversity and inclusivity in developing peace and conflict resolution strategies, negotiate and problem-solve, and translate learning into policy, engagement and impact.

Graduates of this major will be responsive to human differences, critical and analytical thinkers, ethical regarding the lived experience of people in conflict, and open-minded.

Study Peace and Conflict Studies as a single major or extended major in the Bachelor of Arts, or as a single major in the Bachelor of International Studies.