Dr Kamil Shah

Kamil Shah is Founding Director of Square Circle, a global development consulting company headquartered in Brisbane, Australia. Kamil is a lecturer, researcher, advisor and program design and implementation specialist with long experience working collaboratively with academia, public and private sectors. He holds a PhD in International Relations and a Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution from The University of Queensland.
Kamil is an expert educator and trainer, with over ten years of experience researching and lecturing in the School of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Queensland. His academic (teaching and research) pursuits focus on governance, ethics and public policy; development and social inclusion; the politics of statebuilding in fragile states; global political economy; international security and cooperation; trade and development; andnon-violent social change.
Most recently, Dr Shah has led the design and delivery of numerous Australia Awards Workshops and Short Courses. He was the Academic Program Advisor and Public Policy Lead for The Pacific Leadership and Governance Precinct Future Leaders Program (PNG), and is the Project Lead for The Precinct Tracer Study (PNG).
In all of his teaching, research, and practitioner roles, Kamil brings deep insight into the challenges, opportunities and imperatives for social inclusion to strengthen corporate culture and organizational effectiveness, and to enhance social impact. He deploys innovative methods to foster development of diverse networks, to build effective and resilient communities of practice, and to instill a culture of dialogue and critical reflection to support sustainable outcomes. Kamil has worked and lived in the USA, China, Taiwan, Japan, Australia, and Papua New Guinea, and has wandered widely throughout South and Southeast Asia.