Journal Articles
Renic, Neil C. (2019). Battlefield Mercy: Unpacking the Nature and Significance of Supererogation in War. Ethics & International Affairs, 33 (3), 343-362. doi: 10.1017/S0892679419000364
Renic, Neil C. (2019). UAVs and the end of heroism? Historicising the ethical challenge of asymmetric violence. Journal of Military Ethics, 17 (4), 188-197. doi: 10.1080/15027570.2019.1585621
Renic, Neil C. (2018). A gardener's vision: UAVs and the dehumanisation of violence. Survival, 60 (6), 57-72. doi: 10.1080/00396338.2018.1542794
Renic, Neil C. (2018). Justified killing in an age of radically asymmetric warfare. European Journal of International Relations, 25 (2), 408-430. doi: 10.1177/1354066118786776
Renic, Neil (2018). Justified killing in war and the dilemma of radical asymmetry. PhD Thesis, School of Political Science and International Studies, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/uql.2018.197