Honorary Professor Dan Druckman
Honorary Professor
School of Political Science and International Studies
Druckman, D. (2005). Doing research: Methods of inquiry for conflict analysis. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Book Chapters
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn (2021). Just negotiations, stable peace agreements, and durable peace. Handbook of group decision and negotiation. (pp. 21-38) edited by D. Marc Kilgour and Colin Eden. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-49629-6_7
Rosoux, Valerie and Druckman, Daniel (2019). Negotiating peace agreements: The value of focal and turning points. Focal Points in Negotiation. (pp. 149-173) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-27901-1_7
Cuhadar, Esra and Druckman, Daniel (2015). Representative Decision-Making: Challenges to Democratic Peace Theory. Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultural, and Diplomatic Perspectives. (pp. 3-14) edited by Mauro Galluccio. Gewerbestrasse, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10687-8_1
Druckman, Daniel (2009). Doing Conflict Research Through a Multi-Method Lens. The Sage Handbook of Conflict Resolution. (pp. 119-142) edited by Jacob Bercovitch, Victor Kermenyuk and William Zartman. Los Angeles, United States: Sage.
Wall, James, Yan, Wan, Chung, Tsungting and Druckman, Daniel (2009). Philippine and Taiwanese legal mediation. International Conflict Mediation. (pp. 265-284) edited by Bercovitch, Jacob and Gartner, Scott. London & New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203885130
Druckman, Daniel (2008). Foreword. Problem-Solving and Bargaining in International Negotiations. (pp. 11-14) edited by Daniel Druckman and William Donohue. Leiden: Martinus Nijhof Publishers.
Druckman, Daniel (2008). Towards integrated knowledge. Conflict: from analysis to intervention. (pp. 395-405) edited by Sandra Cheldelin, Daniel Druckman and Larissa Fast. New York, United States: Continuum.
Druckman, Daniel (2008). Negotiations. Conflict: from analysis to intervention. (pp. 252-269) edited by Sandra Cheldelin, Daniel Druckman and Larissa Fast. London, United Kingdom: Continuum.
Druckman, Daniel (2008). Situations. Conflict: from analysis to intervention. (pp. 120-146) edited by Sandra Cheldelin, Daniel Druckman and Larissa Fast. New York, United States: Continuum.
Cheldelin, Sandra, Druckman, Daniel, Fast, Larissa and Clements, Kevin P. (2008). Theory, research, and practice. Conflict: from analysis to intervention. (pp. 9-35) edited by S. Cheldelin, D. Druckman and L. Fast. New York, United States: Continuum.
Druckman, Daniel (2007). Negotiation models and applications. Diplomacy Games: Formal Models and International Negotiations. (pp. 83-96) edited by R. Avenhaus and I. W. Zartman. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Irmer, C. and Druckman, D. (2007). Process and context in international negotiation. Négociation et transformations du monde. (pp. 117-135) edited by C. Dupont. Paris: Publibook.
Druckman, D. (2007). Negotiating in the international context. Peacemaking in International Conflict: Methods & Techniques. (pp. 111-162) edited by I. William Zartman. Washington, D. C., USA: United States Institute of Peace Press.
Druckman, D. and Zechmeister, K. (2006). Conflict of interest and value dissensus: Propositions in the sociology of conflict. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 189-205) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. and Stern, P. C. (2006). Evaluating peacekeeping missions. Conflict resolution. (pp. 197-213) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. (2006). Stages, Crises and Turning Points: Negotiating Military Base Rights, Spain and the United States. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 243-270) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D (2006). Turning points in international negotiation: A comparative analysis. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 331-357) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Diehl, P., Druckman, D and Wall, J (2006). International peacekeeping and conflict resolution: A taxonomic analysis with implications. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 89-113) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. (2006). Determinants of compromising behavior in negotiation: A meta-analysis. Conflict resolution. (pp. 333-376) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London, U.K.: Sage Publications.
Mahoney, R. B. and Druckman, D. (2006). Simulation, experimentation, and context: Dimensions of design and inference. Conflict resolution. (pp. 288-313) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Stern, P. C. and Druckman, D (2006). Evaluating interventions in history: The case of international conflict resolution. Conflict resolution. (pp. 234-262) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. (2006). Boundary role conflict: Negotiation as dual responsiveness. Conflict resolution. (pp. 33-51) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D (2006). Nationalism, patriotism, and group loyalty: A social psychological perspective. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 262-292) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. and Diehl, F. (2006). Editors' introduction. Conflict Resolution. (pp. 1-30) edited by Daniel Druckman and Paul F. Diehl. London: Sage Publications.
Druckman, D. (2006). Avant-propos. La Negociation Post-Moderne. (pp. 17-19) edited by Christophe Dupont. Paris: Publibook.
Druckman, D., Harris, R. and Furnkranz, J. (2006). Modelling international negotiation: Statistical and machine learning application. Programming for Peace: Computer -aided methods for international conflict resolution and prevention. (pp. 227-250) edited by R. Trappi. The Netherlands: Springer.
Druckman, Daniel (2005). Conflict escalation and negotiation: A turning points analysis. Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts. (pp. 185-212) edited by I. William Zartman and Guy Olivier Faure. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
Druckman, D. and Lyons, T (2005). Negotiating processes and postsettlement relationships: comparing Nagorno-Karabakh with Mozambique. Peace versus Justice: Negotiating Forward- and Backward-Looking Outcomes. (pp. 265-285) edited by I. William Zartman and Victor Kremenyuk. Oxford, UK: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
Druckman, D. (2005). On integrating theory: Research and practice. Securing a Peaceful Pacific. (pp. 69-75) edited by John Henderson and Greg Watson. Christchurch New Zealand: Canterbury University Press.
Journal Articles
Brigg, Morgan, Druckman, Daniel, Loode, Serge and Thai, Hannibal A. (2025). The conflict coaching challenge: design and evaluation of an online conflict coach. International Journal of Conflict Management. doi: 10.1108/ijcma-07-2024-0159
Owsiak, Andrew, Druckman, Daniel and Vukovic, Sinisa (2024). Embracing the complexity of international conflict management. International Journal of Conflict Management, 35 (1), 1-3. doi: 10.1108/IJCMA-02-2024-224
Cuhadar, Esra and Druckman, Daniel (2023). Let the people speak! What kind of civil society inclusion leads to durable peace?. International Studies Perspectives, 25 (3) ekad019, 359-381. doi: 10.1093/isp/ekad019
Manwaring, Melissa, Druckman, Daniel and Menkel-Meadow, Carrie (2023). Associate Editors' Note. Negotiation Journal, 39 (1), 3-5. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12425
Druckman, Daniel, Vuković, Siniša and Verbeek, Nicolas (2023). Rebel group legitimacy, ideology and durable peace. International Journal of Conflict Management, 35 (1), 215-241. doi: 10.1108/IJCMA-01-2023-0015
Druckman, Daniel and Harinck, Fieke (2022). Trust Matters in Negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 31 (6), 1179-1202. doi: 10.1007/s10726-022-09796-9
Donohue, William A. and Druckman, Daniel (2022). Perceptions of face threats in conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, 33 (3), 408-424. doi: 10.1108/IJCMA-09-2021-0144
Druckman, Daniel, Mueller, Grace and Diehl, Paul F. (2022). Exploring the compatibility of multiple missions in UN peace operations. International Peacekeeping, 29 (1), 85-114. doi: 10.1080/13533312.2020.1861944
Druckman, Daniel, Parlamis, Jennifer and Burns, Zachary C. (2022). Can loyal party members be flexible negotiators? Impacts of constituent support, term limits and bipartisan roles. International Journal of Conflict Management, 33 (5), 741-761. doi: 10.1108/IJCMA-01-2022-0011
Marin, Jimena Ramirez, Druckman, Daniel and Donohue, William (2022). Lessons from practice: extensions of current negotiation theory and research. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 15 (3), 166-171.
Mueller, Grace, Diehl, Paul F. and Druckman, Daniel (2021). Juggling several balls at once. Global Governance, 27 (4), 493-516. doi: 10.1163/19426720-02704003
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn (2021). The Role of Issues in Negotiation: Framing, Linking, and Ordering. Negotiation Journal, 37 (2), 249-278. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12358
Druckman, Daniel, Adrian, Lin, Damholdt, Malene Flensborg, Filzmoser, Michael, Koszegi, Sabine T., Seibt, Johanna and Vestergaard, Christina (2021). Who is Best at Mediating a Social Conflict? Comparing Robots, Screens and Humans. Group Decision and Negotiation, 30 (2), 395-426. doi: 10.1007/s10726-020-09716-9
Druckman, Daniel (2020). Thirty-Five Years of Research on Turning Points: Insights Gained and Gaps to be Filled. Negotiation Journal, 36 (2), 91-106. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12316
Druckman, Daniel, Bulska, Dominika and Jochemczyk, Łukasz (2020). Turning Points at the Round Table Talks. Social Psychological Bulletin, 14 (4) e2329, 1-17. doi: 10.32872/spb.v14i4.2329
Druckman, Daniel and Donohue, William (2019). Innovations in social science methodologies: an overview. American Behavioral Scientist, 64 (1), 000276421985962-18. doi: 10.1177/0002764219859623
Harinck, Fieke and Druckman, Daniel (2019). Values and interests: impacts of affirming the other and mediation on settlements. Group Decision and Negotiation, 28 (3), 453-474. doi: 10.1007/s10726-019-09620-x
Druckman, Daniel, Lewicki, Roy J. and Doyle, Sarah P. (2019). Repairing violations of trustworthiness in negotiation. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 49 (3), 145-158. doi: 10.1111/jasp.12571
Tjosvold, Dean, Druckman, Daniel, Johnson, Roger T., Smith, Karl A. and Roseth, Cary (2019). Valuing cooperation and constructive controversy: A tribute to David W. Johnson. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 13 (4), 343-362. doi: 10.1111/ncmr.12145
Druckman, Daniel (2019). Theory to practice: reflections on a consulting life. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 13 (2), 163-179. doi: 10.1111/ncmr.12144
Druckman, Daniel (2019). Unilateral diplomacy: Trump and the sovereign state. Negotiation Journal, 35 (1), 101-105. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12258
Druckman, Daniel (2018). Tributes to an extraordinary career: an overview. Negotiation Journal, 34 (3), 265-270. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12228
Druckman, Daniel (2018). Thomas Crombie Schelling, IACM Lifetime Achievement Award: an appreciation. Negotiation Journal, 34 (3), 321-325. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12235
Druckman, Daniel and Ebner, Noam (2018). Discovery learning in management education: design and case analysis. Journal of Management Education, 42 (3), 347-374. doi: 10.1177/1052562917720710
Kim, Jiye and Druckman, Daniel (2018). Shelved sovereignty or invalid sovereignty? The South China Sea negotiations, 1992–2016. Pacific Review, 33 (1), 1-29. doi: 10.1080/09512748.2018.1535520
Druckman, Daniel (2018). A pioneer's legacy: The influence of Morton Deutsch. Negotiation Journal, 34 (1), 121-125. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12218
Griessmair, Michele and Druckman, Daniel (2017). To Match or Not to Match? Reactions to Turning Points in Negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 27 (1), 61-83. doi: 10.1007/s10726-017-9550-x
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn (2017). Justice Matters: Peace Negotiations, Stable Agreements, and Durable Peace. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 63 (2), 002200271773908-316. doi: 10.1177/0022002717739088
Sandler, Todd, Druckman, Daniel and Huth, Paul K. (2017). JCR 60th anniversary issue: Editors' introduction. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61 (9), 1839-1843. doi: 10.1177/0022002717721391
Druckman, Daniel and Wall, James A. (2017). A Treasure Trove of Insights: Sixty Years of JCR Research on Negotiation and Mediation. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61 (9), 1898-1924. doi: 10.1177/0022002717721388
Diehl, Paul F. and Druckman, Daniel (2017). Multiple Peacekeeping Missions: Analysing Interdependence. International Peacekeeping, 25 (1), 28-51. doi: 10.1080/13533312.2017.1346474
Wagner, Lynn and Druckman, Daniel (2017). Erratum to: drivers of durable peace: the role of justice in negotiating civil war termination. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26 (1), 69-69. doi: 10.1007/s10726-016-9523-5
Caspi, Plia Vaisman, Olekalns, Mara and Druckman, Daniel (2016). After the fall: Regulatory focus, trust and negotiators’ responses to a crisis. Journal of Trust Research, 7 (1), 51-70. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2016.1268057
Wagner, Lynn and Druckman, Daniel (2016). Drivers of durable peace: the role of justice in negotiating civil war termination. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26 (1), 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s10726-016-9511-9
Albin, Cecilia and Druckman, Daniel (2016). Negotiating effectively: justice in international environmental negotiations. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26 (1), 1-21. doi: 10.1007/s10726-016-9509-3
Druckman, Daniel and Rosoux, Valerie (2016). Focal points and turning points in negotiation: a comparative analysis. Negotiation Journal, 32 (2), 127-150. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12151
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn M. (2016). Justice and negotiation. Annual Review of Psychology, 67 (1), 387-413. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-122414-033308
Crump, Larry and Druckman, Daniel (2016). Turning points and international environments: multilateral negotiations in the gatt and the wto. International Negotiation, 21 (1), 1-42. doi: 10.1163/15718069-12341323
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn (2016). Justice and fairness in negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 26 (1), 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s10726-016-9496-4
Harinck, Fieke and Druckman, Daniel (2015). Do negotiation interventions matter? Resolving conflicting interests and values. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 61 (1), 29-55. doi: 10.1177/0022002715569774
Olekalns, Mara and Druckman, Daniel (2014). With feeling: how emotions shape negotiation. Negotiation Journal, 30 (4), 455-478. doi: 10.1111/nejo.12071
Druckman, Daniel (2014). Negotiating as a Group Representative: Constraints and Opportunities. International Negotiation, 20 (1), 25-40. doi: 10.1163/15718069-12341295
Albin, Cecilia and Druckman, Daniel (2014). Procedures matter: justice and effectiveness in international trade negotiations. European Journal of International Relations, 20 (4), 1014-1042. doi: 10.1177/1354066114523654
Druckman, Daniel and Muller, Harald (2014). Introduction Justice in security negotiations. International Negotiation, 19 (3), 399-409. doi: 10.1163/15718069-12341284
Druckman, Daniel and Albin, Cecilia (2014). Bargaining over weapons: Justice and effectiveness in arms control negotiatons. International Negotiation, 19 (3), 426-458. doi: 10.1163/15718069-12341286
Druckman, Daniel (2009). Intuition or counterintuition? The science behind the art of negotiation. Negotiation Journal, 25 (4), 431-448. doi: 10.1111/j.1571-9979.2009.00237.x
Donohue, William A. and Druckman, Daniel (2009). Message Framing Surrounding the Oslo I Accords. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53 (1), 119-145. doi: 10.1177/0022002708326443
Druckman, Daniel, Olekalns, Mara and Smith, Philip L (2009). Interpretive filters: Social cognition and the impact of turning points in negotiation. Negotiation Journal, 25 (1), 13-40. doi: 10.1111/j.1571-9979.2008.00206.x
Diehl, Paul F. and Druckman, Daniel (2009). Dimensions of the Conflict Environment: Implications for Peace Operation Success. International Peacekeeping, 13 (1-2), 6-44. doi: 10.1163/187541109X402972
Druckman, Daniel and Ebner, Noam (2008). Onstage or behind the scenes? Relative learning benefits of Simulation Role-Play and Design. Simulation & Gaming, 39 (4), 465-497. doi: 10.1177/1046878107311377
Druckman, Daniel and Albin, Cecilia (2008). Distributive Justice and the Durability of Negotiated Agreements. Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies. The Occasional Papers, x (10), 1-28.
Druckman, Daniel (2008). Thomas Crombie Schelling, 2007 IACM Lifetime Achievement Award: an appreciation. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 1 (2), 194-197. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-4716.2008.00011.x
Druckman, Daniel and Olekalns, Mara (2008). Emotions in negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 17 (1), 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10726-007-9091-9
Druckman, D. (2007). Négociation et identités: implications pour la théorie de la négociation. Négociations, 2, 91-102.
Druckman, D (2006). Explaining group identity: From group attachments to collective action. The Australian Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies Occasional Papers Series, 2, 1-37.
Druckman, D (2006). Group attachments in negotiation and collective action. International Negotiation, 11 (2), 229-252.
Bercovitch, Jacob, Clements, Kevin and Druckman, Daniel (2005). On bridging the gap: The relevance of theory to the practice of conflict resolution. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 59 (2), 133-140. doi: 10.1080/10357710500139540
Conference Paper
Druckman, Daniel and Wagner, Lynn (2017). Negotiating peace: the role of procedural and distributive justice in achieving durable peace. 16th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2016, Bellingham, United States, 20 - 24 June 2016. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-52624-9_12