Foley, Fiona (2021). Bogimbah Creek Mission: The first Aboriginal experiment. Booral, QLD, Australia: Pirri Productions.
Foley, Fiona (2020). Biting the Clouds: A Badtjala perspective on the Aboriginals Protection and Restriction of the Sale of Opium Act, 1897. Brisbane, QLD Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Book Chapters
Foley, Fiona, Bargallie, Debbie, Carlson, Bronwyn and Nicoll, Fiona (2023). Reason and reckoning: Provocations and conversations about re-imagining Samuel Griffith’s university. The Palgrave Handbook on Rethinking Colonial Commemorations. (pp. 263-296) edited by Bronwyn Carlson and Terri Farrelly. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-28609-4_15
Foley, Fiona (2022). Disrupting the silence: Australian Aboriginal art as a political act. Expanding the parameters of feminist artivism. (pp. 51-64) edited by Gillian Hannum and Kyunghee Pyun. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-09378-4_3
Foley, Fiona, Nicoll, Fiona, Volcic, Zala and O'Donnell, Dominic (2019). Creative frictions in the neoliberal university: Courting Blakness at The University of Queensland. Resisting neoliberalism in higher education: seeing through the cracks. (pp. 179-203) edited by Dorothy Bottrell and Catherine Manathunga. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-95942-9_9
Foley, Fiona and Martin-Chew, Louise (2015). The politics of art and place. Courting Blakness: Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University. (pp. 14-21) edited by Fiona Foley, Louise Martin-Chew and Fiona Nicoll. St Lucia, QLD, Australia: University of Queensland Press.
Foley, Fiona (2012). Just little bits of history re-repeating. MCA Collection. (pp. 24-29) edited by Glenn Barkley, Judith Blackall, Isabel Hesketh, Elizabeth Ann Macgregor and Ivan Muniz Reed. Sydney, NSW Australia: Museum of Contemporary Art.
Foley, Fiona (1999). A blast from the past. Performing hybridity. (pp. 46-58) edited by May Joseph and Jennifer Natalya Fink. Minneapolis, MN, United States: University of Minnesota Press.
Journal Articles
Foley, Fiona and Balla, Paola (2022). After Boomalli: Art, activism, and feminism - Fiona Foley in dialogue with Paola Balla. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, 22 (2), 151-159. doi: 10.1080/14434318.2022.2151552
Foley, Fiona (2021). Exploding time past and time present. Griffith Review, 73, 140-152.
Foley, Fiona (2020). The People of K’Gari/Fraser Island: Working through 250 years of racial double coding. Genealogy, 4 (3) 74, 1-15. doi: 10.3390/genealogy4030074
Foley, Fiona (2019). All men choose the path they walk: art and the scales of justice. Griffith Review, 65, 97-108. doi: 10.3316/informit.576957026855491
Foley, Fiona (2012). The elephant in the room public art in Brisbane. Artlink, 32 (2), 66-69.
Foley, Fiona (2012). I speak to cover the mouth of silence. Art Monthly Australia (250), 55-57. doi: 10.3316/informit.669565431397169
Foley, Fiona (2011). When the circus came to town. Art Monthly Australia (245), 5-7. doi: 10.3316/informit.548549969265294
Foley, Fiona (1997). A blast from the past. Periphery, 31, 5-7.
Foley, Fiona (1996). Where the salt water meets the fresh water. Periphery, 27, 20-23.
Foley, Fiona (1994). Traditional boundaries: new perspectives. Periphery, 18, 8-10.
Newspaper Article
Foley, Fiona (2020, 11 07). Why truth telling is the first step towards healing The Australian Financial Review 29-29.
Creative Work
Foley, Fiona (2014). Courting Blakness exhibition. St. Lucia, QLD, Australia: