Boreham, Paul R., Parker, R., Thompson, P. and Hall, R. (2008). New technology @ work. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203647004
Boreham, P. R., Dow, G. and Leet, M. (1999). Room to manoeuvre: political aspects of full employment. Melbourne: Melbourne Univ. Press.
Boreham, Paul, Dow, Geoff , Littler, Craig and Stewart, Randal (1988). Society and economy in Queensland: the strategic role of the public sector. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Labour & Industry Research Unit.
Book Chapters
Clegg, Stewart, Dow, Geoff and Boreham, Paul (2013). Politics and crisis: the state of the recession. The state, class and the recession. (pp. 1-50) edited by Stewart Clegg, Geoff Dow and Paul Boreham. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Clegg, Stewart, Boreham, Paul and Dow, Geoff (2013). Preface. The State, Class and the Recession. edited by Stewart Clegg, Geoff Dow and Paul Boreham. Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis.
Boreham, Paul (2007). Industrial relations. The Oxford companion to Australian politics. (pp. 272-275) edited by Brian Galligan and Winsome Roberts. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Boreham, Paul (2007). Corporatism. The Oxford companion to Australian politics. (pp. 139-140) edited by Brian Galligan and Winsome Roberts. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Boreham, Paul and Hall, Richard (2005). Theorising the State and economic democracy. Participation and democracy at work: Essays in honour of Harvie Ramsay. (pp. 222-246) edited by Bill Harley, Jeff Hyman and Paul Thompson. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, U.K.; New York, U.S.A.: Palgrave.
Boreham, Paul (2004). Introduction to part 3: Political issues and public policies. The politics of Australian society: Political issues for the new century. (pp. 241-245) edited by Paul Boreham, Geoffrey Stokes and Richard Hall. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., Australia: Pearson Education.
Boreham, Paul (2004). The labour market and the future of employment. The politics of Australian society: Political issues for the new century. (pp. 296-318) edited by Paul Boreham, Geoffrey Stokes and Richard Hall. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., Australia: Pearson Education.
Stokes, Geoffrey, Boreham, Paul and Hall, Richard (2004). Political ideas, institutions and policies: A critical overview. The politics of Australian society: Political issues for the new century. (pp. 1-16) edited by Paul Boreham, Geoffrey Stokes and Richard Hall. Frenchs Forest, N.S.W., Australia: Pearson Education.
Boreham, P. R. (2002). Governance of the labour market: The declining role of the State. Economic governance and institutional dynamics. (pp. 178-199) edited by Stephen Bell. South Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Boreham, Paul R. (2000). Employment and unemployment: Politics and the future of work in Australia. The politics of Australian society: Political issues for the new century. (pp. 265-285) edited by Paul Boreham, Geoffrey Stokes and Richard Hall. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.
Boreham, P. R. and Hall, R. W. (2000). The future of work: Employment and labour relations in Australia. A Sociology of Australian Society. (pp. 173-196) edited by J. M. Najman and J. S. Western. South Yarra, Victoria: Macmillan.
Boreham, P. R., Stokes, G. and Hall, R. W. (2000). Ideas, institutions and policies. The Politics of Australian Society: Political Issues for the New Century. (pp. 1-16) edited by P. Boreham, G. Stokes and R. Hall. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education.
Emmison, M., Boreham, P. and Clegg, S. (1992). From Class Bearers to Civil Subjects: reconceptualizing the relationship between structure, identity and collective action. Research in Inequality and Social Conflict, Vol. II. (pp. 179-208) Greenwich, C.T.: JAI.
Journal Articles
Dow, Geoff and Boreham, Paul (2024). The New Politics of Inflation and Economic Disruption: Unlearned Lessons from the 1980s and 1990s in Australia. Australian Journal of Politics & History, 71 (1), 1-17. doi: 10.1111/ajph.13006
Povey, Jenny, Boreham, Paul and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2016). The development of a new multi-faceted model of social wellbeing: does income level make a difference?. Journal of Sociology, 52 (2), 155-172. doi: 10.1177/1440783313507491
Cherney, Adrian, Head, Brian, Povey, Jenny, Boreham, Paul and Ferguson, Michele (2015). The utilisation of social science research - the perspectives of academic researchers in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 51 (2), 252-270. doi: 10.1177/1440783313505008
Cherney, Adrian, Head, Brian, Povey, Jenny, Ferguson, Michele and Boreham, Paul (2015). Use of academic social research by public officials: exploring preferences and constraints that impact on research use. Evidence and Policy, 11 (2), 169-188. doi: 10.1332/174426514X14138926450067
Boreham, Paul, Povey, Jenny and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2015). Work and social well-being: the impact of employment conditions on quality of life. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (6), 593-611. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2015.1027250
Head, Brian, Ferguson, Michele, Cherney, Adrian and Boreham, Paul (2014). Are policy-makers interested in social research? Exploring the sources and uses of valued information among public servants in Australia. Policy and Society, 33 (2), 89-101. doi: 10.1016/j.polsoc.2014.04.004
Boreham, Paul, Povey, Jenny and Tomaszewski, Wojtek (2013). An alternative measure of social wellbeing: analysing the key conceptual and statistical components of quality of life. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 48 (2), 151-172. doi: 10.1002/j.1839-4655.2013.tb00276.x
Cherney, Adrian, Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul, Povey, Jenny and Ferguson, Michele (2013). Research Utilization in the Social Sciences: A Comparison of Five Academic Disciplines in Australia. Science Communication, 35 (6), 780-809. doi: 10.1177/1075547013491398
Manathunga, Catherine, Pitt, Rachael, Cox, Laura, Boreham, Paul, Mellick, George and Lant, Paul (2012). Evaluating industry-based doctoral research programs: Perspectives and outcomes of Australian Cooperative Research Centre graduates. Studies in Higher Education, 37 (7), 843-858. doi: 10.1080/03075079.2011.554607
Cherney, Adrian, Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul, Povey, Jenny and Ferguson, Michele (2012). Perspectives of academic social scientists on knowledge transfer and research collaborations: a cross-sectional survey of Australian academics. Evidence and Policy, 8 (4), 433-453. doi: 10.1332/174426412X660098
Cherney, Adrian, Povey, Jenny, Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul and Ferguson, Michele (2012). What influences the utilisation of educational research by policy-makers and practitioners? - The perspectives of academic educational researchers. International Journal of Educational Research, 56, 23-34. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2012.08.001
McCrea, Rod, Boreham, Paul and Ferguson, Michele (2011). Reducing work-to-life interference in the public service: The importance of participative management as mediated by other work attributes. Journal of Sociology, 47 (3), 313-332. doi: 10.1177/1440783311407946
Southwell, Jenni, Boreham, Paul R. and Laffan, Warren S. (2008). Problem gambling and the circumstances facing older people: A study of gaming machine players aged 60+ in licensed clubs. Journal of Gambling Studies, 24 (2), 151-174. doi: 10.1007/s10899-007-9079-z
Kavallaris, Maria, Meachem, Sarah J., Hullet, Mark D., West, Catherine M., Pitt, Rachael E., Chesters, Jennifer J., Laffan, Warren S., Boreham, Paul R. and Khachigian, Levon M. (2008). Perceptions in health and medical research careers: The Australian Society for Medical Research Workforce Survey. Medical Journal of Australia, 188 (9), 520-524. doi: 10.5694/j.1326-5377.2008.tb01766.x
Najman, Jake M., Adkins, Barbara, Alexander, Malcolm, Boreham, Paul, Emmison, Michael and Kendall, Gavin (1997). Editorial policy. Journal of Sociology, 33 (3), 281-281. doi: 10.1177/144078339703300301
Boreham, Paul, Lafferty, George, Roan, Amanda and Whitehouse, Gillian (1996). Training, careers and numerical flexibility: equity implications in hospitality and retailing. Journal of Industrial Relations, 38 (1), 3-21. doi: 10.1177/002218569603800101
Boreham, Paul, Dickerson, Mark and Harley, Bill (1996). What are the social costs of gambling?: The case of the queensland machine gaming industry. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 31 (4), 425-442. doi: 10.1002/j.1839-4655.1996.tb01288.x
Boreham, Paul, Hall, Richard and Harley, Bill (1996). Two paths to prosperity?: Work organisation and industrial relations decentralisation in Australia. Work, Employment and Society, 10 (3), 449-468. doi: 10.1177/0950017096010003004
Boreham, Paul, Hall, Richard, Harley, Bill and Whitehouse, Gillian (1996). Labour flexibility and ender in the service sector: A study of employment ractices in law and accounting firms. Journal of Sociology, 32 (2), 20-37. doi: 10.1177/144078339603200202
Boreham P., Hall R. and Leet M. (1996). Labour and citizenship: The development of welfare state regimes. Journal of Public Policy, 16 (2), 203-227. doi: 10.1017/s0143814x00007364
Boreham, P., Hall, R., Harley, B. and Whitehouse, G. (1996). Labour flexibility and gender in the service sector: A study of employment practices in law and accounting firms. Australian And New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 32 (2), 20-37.
Boreham P. (1996). Labour movements and welfare states: A reconsideration of how trade unions influence social change. Journal of Sociology, 32 (3), 19-20. doi: 10.1177/144078339603200301
Boreham P., Roan A. and Whitehouse G. (1994). The Regulation of Employment Services: Private Employment Agencies and Labour Market Policy. Australian Journal of Political Science, 29 (3), 541-555. doi: 10.1080/00323269408402311
Boreham, P. and Hall, R. (1994). Trade union strategy in contemporary capitalism: the microeconomic and macroeconomic implications of political unionism. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 15 (3), 313-353. doi: 10.1177/0143831X94153002
Boreham, Paul (1992). Erratum: The myth of post-Fordist management: work organization and employee discretion in seven countries. Management Decision, 30 (6), 100-108. doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000000105
Boreham, P. (1992). The myth of post-Fordist management: work organization and employee discretion in seven countries. Employee Relations, 14 (2), 13-24. doi: 10.1108/01425459210012671
BOREHAM P. and COMPSTON H. (1992). Labour movement organization and political intervention: The politics of unemployment in the OECD countries, 1974–1986. European Journal of Political Research, 22 (2), 143-170. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6765.1992.tb00309.x
Baxter, J. H., Boreham, P. R., Clegg, S. R., Emmison, J. M., Gibson, D. M., Marks, G. N., Western, J. S. and Western, M. C. (1989). The Australian Class Structure - Some Preliminary-Results From the Australian Class Project. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 25 (1), 100-120. doi: 10.1177/144078338902500106
Western, John, Connell, Bob, Richmond, Katie, Gibson, Diane, Boreham, Paul, Mugford, Stephen, Williams, Claire, Wadsworth, Yolande and Runciman, Claire (1989). The Australian sociological association. Journal of Sociology, 25 (1), 162-162. doi: 10.1177/144078338902500127
Boreham, P., Clegg, S., Emmison, J. M., Marks, G. and Western, J. (1989). Semi-peripheries or Particular Pathways: the case of Australia, New Zealand and Canada as class formations. International Sociology, 4 (1), 67-90. doi: 10.1177/026858089004001005
Emmison, Michael, Boreham, Paul and Clegg, Stewart (1987). Against antinomies: For a post-Marxist politics. Thesis Eleven, 18-19 (1), 124-142. doi: 10.1177/072551368701800109
Boreham, Paul (1983). Indetermination: professional knowledge, organization and control. The Sociological Review, 31 (4), 693-718. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-954X.1983.tb00727.x
Boreham, Paul, Cass, Michael and McCallum, Michael (1979). The Australian bureaucratic elite: the importance of social backgrounds and occupational experience. Journal of Sociology, 15 (2), 45-55. doi: 10.1177/144078337901500206
Boreham P. and Gibson D. (1978). The informative process in private medical consultations: A preliminary investigation. Social Science and Medicine. Part A Medical Psychology and Medical, 12 (C), 409-416. doi: 10.1016/0271-7123(78)90096-2
Anderson, Don S., Western, John S. and Boreham, Paul R. (1973). Conservatism in Recruits to the Professions. Journal of Sociology, 9 (3), 42-45. doi: 10.1177/144078337300900312
Conference Papers
Povey, Jenny, Shaw, Elizabeth, Head, Brian, Cherney, Adrian, Boreham, Paul and Ferguson, Michele (2013). The functionality of Leximancer software as an analytic tool for semi-structured interviews data exploring evidence-based policy in practice from the perspectives of academic social scientists and policymakers.. AMSRS Conference, Sydney, Australia, 5-6 September 2013.
Tomaszewski, Wojtek, Boreham, Paul, Jones, Andrew and Povey, Jenny-Louise (2012). Living environment and wellbeing: the effects of housing and local area disadvantage. 12th Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 July 2012.
Head, B., Cherney, A. and Boreham, P. (2011). Policy advice and research evidence: is academic research 'lost in translation'?. Australian Political Science Association Conference (APSA) 2011, Canberra, Australia, 26-28 September 2011.
Povey, J., Boreham, P. and Tomaszewski, W. (2011). Factors Influencing Social Wellbeing, deprivation and Social Exclusion. TASA Conference 2011, Newcastle, Australia, 29 November - 1 December 2011.
Boreham, P. (2011). The academic research workforce: Skill development, careers and the application of academic research. Higher Education Summit, Brisbane, 27-29 April 2011.
Haynes, Michele A., Higginson, Angela, Probert, William J. M. and Boreham, Paul (2011). Social determinants and regional disparity of unemployment duration in Australia: A multilevel approach. 2011 HILDA Survey Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 14-15 July 2011. Melbourne, Australia: The University of Melbourne.
Cherney, A., Head, B. and Boreham, P. (2011). Perspectives of academic social scientists on the benefits and impact of knowledge co-production: Australian findings. Australian Social Policy Conference, University of NSW, 2011.
Boreham, Paul R. and Povey, Jenny (2010). Measuring social wellbeing in Queensland. Social Wellbeing in Queensland Conference 2010, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 15 June 2010.
Boreham, P. and Povey, J. (2010). Assessing Gender Inequalities in the Academic Workforce. Australian Higher Education Summit, Adelaide, 2010.
Boreham, Paul, 1947- (1970). Individual and organizational effectiveness: a study of white-collar workers. Honours Thesis, School of Economics, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/223403
Research Reports
Baffour, Bernard, Povey, Jenny, Stevenson, Sarah, Bon, Joshua, Mangan, John, Boreham, Paul, Western, Mark and Chainey, Carys (2016). The future of manufacturing jobs in Queensland Brisbane, Australia: Final Report: Prepared for the Australian Manufacturing and Workers Union. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul, Cherney, Adrian, Povey, Jenny and Ferguson, Michele (2013). Public Sector Survey on Evidence Based Policy: Results For The Department Of Employment, Economic Development And Innovation. Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland. ARC Industry Partner Linkage report and fact sheet.. St Lucia QLD Australia: Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland.
Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul, Cherney, Adrian, Povey, Jenny and Ferguson, Michele (2013). Public Sector Survey on Evidence Based Policy: Results For The Department Of Education And Training. Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland. ARC Industry Partner Linkage report. St Lucia QLD Australia: Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland.
Head, Brian, Boreham, Paul, Cherney, Adrian, Povey, Jenny and Ferguson, Michele (2013). Public Sector Survey on Evidence Based Policy: Results for Queensland Health. Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland. ARC Industry Partner Linkage report and fact sheet. St Lucia QLD Australia: Institute of Social Science Research, University of Queensland.
Boreham, Paul and Povey, Jenny (2011). Wellbeing in Queensland : Report of the Social Wellbeing Project. Institute for Social Science Research The University of Queensland ABN: 63942 912 684 Brisbane, Qld., Australia: The University of Queensland, Institute for Social Science Research.
Boreham, Paul R. and Van Gellecum, Yolanda (2009). The impact of Australia's Retirement Incomes System on women's retirement incomes: A literature review. Brisbane: Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
Dever, Maryanne, Laffan, Warren, Boreham, Paul, Behrens , Karin, Haynes, Michele, Western, Mark and Kubler, Matthias (2008). Gender differences in early post-PhD employment in Australian Universities: The influence of PhD experience on women's academic careers: Final report. Action Plan for Women Employed in Universities 2006-10 St Lucia, Qld, Australia: University of Queensland.
Kubler, Matthias, Boreham, Paul, Laffan, Warren and Chesters, Jenny (2008). QPSU member survey 2007: employee perceptions of work in Queensland Public Sector Departments and Agencies. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Kubler, Matthias, Boreham, Paul and Laffan, Warren (2008). QPSU Member Survey 2007. Final Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Western, Mark, Boreham, Paul, Kubler, Matthias, Laffan, Warren, Western, John, Lawson, Alan and Clague, Denise (2007). PhD graduates 5 to 7 Years out: Employment outcomes, job attributes and the quality of research training: FINAL REPORT (Revised). Brisbane, Queensland, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre (UQSRC).
Boreham, P., Arts, D., Durrington, D., Hundt, D., Cox, L. and Laffan, W. (2007). State government revenue and expenditure in Queensland: Changing economic and social priorities 1986-2005: Report to the Queensland Public Sector Union. St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Kubler, M., Toloo, S., Western, M., Boreham, P. and Laffan, W. (2007). Business Satisfaction Survey 2007. Report to Australian Federal Police. St Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Ungerer, C., Hook, S., Boreham, P. and Laffan, W. (2007). AFP Counter Terrorism Performance Measurement Review : Report to Australian Federal Police. The University of Queensland Social Research Centre, Brisbane:
Haynes, Michele, Yu, Laurel, Laffan, Warren, Boreham, Paul, Western, Mark and Chesters, Jenny (2007). Employer survey of family friendly working conditions. Report to Department of Employment and Workplace Relations. J5018 St Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Boreham, Paul and Laffan, W. (2007). The medical brain drain in Australia..
Boreham, Paul R., Arts, Dionne, Pitt, Rachael, Laffan, Warren S., Hundt, David and Caniglia, Fiona (2006). Poverty in Queensland. Report to the Queensland Council of Social Services. St Lucia, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Boreham, Paul, Laffan, Warren, Johnston, John, Southwell, Jenni and Tighe, Margaret (2006). A responsible gambling strategy for older Queenslanders: Final Report. St. Lucia, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Boreham, Paul, Hundt, David, Laffan, Warren, Tighe, Meg, Western, Mark, Arts, Dionne, Pitt, Rachael and Kubler, Matthias (2006). Working Life and social well-being: a survey of QPSU members’ attitudes. Final Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Western, M., Laffan, W., Boreham, P., Haynes, M. and Tighe, M. (2005). Queensland Public Attitudes Survey: Report to the Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland. St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Boreham, P. R., Western, J. S., Laffan, W. S., Durrington, D. A., Arts, D.A.G., Tighe, M. A. and Chesters, J. J. (2005). Survey of NHMRC Research Workforce Outcomes: 1992-2002: Report to the National Health and Medical Research Council, Department of Health and Ageing. St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre (UQSRC).
Western, Mark, Boreham, Paul, Laffan, Warren, Haynes, Michele, Chesters, Jenny, Tighe, Meg and Arts, Dionne (2005). Survey of International Students' spending in Australia: Report to the Department of Education, Science & Training. St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Boreham, P., Western, M. and Laffan, W. (2005). The NHMRC research workforce: Training, career paths and research capacity building (1992-2003). Report to National Health and Medical Research Council, Department of Health and Ageing. St Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Bush, R., Dwyer, J., Boreham, P. and Western, M. (2003). The state of engagement: Findings about community and government engagement from three Queensland household surveys (2000-2002): Report to Queensland Government Community Engagement Division, Department of Premier and Cabinet. St. Lucia, Qld, Australia: The University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Western, M. C., Laffan, W. S., Van Gellecum, Y. R., Haynes, M. A., Cheshire, L. A., Western, J. S., Boreham, P. R. and Brereton, D. J. (2003). Report of the Bowen Basin Communities Residents' Survey: Report to Queensland Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet. St Lucia, Qld, Australia: University of Queensland Social Research Centre.
Boreham, P. R., Western, J. S., Johnston, J. W. and Sleigh, T. L. (2002). The social and economic impacts of gaming: a framework for research. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Working Papers
Boreham, Paul and Salisbury, Chris (2016). An industry policy for Queensland. TJ Ryan Foundation Policy Briefs. 02. Institute for Social Science Research, TJ Ryan Foundation.
Boreham, Paul (2001). Trade Unions, Industrial Relations, and Economic Policy Institutions: The Implications for Unemployment in the OECD Countries. Occasional paper: no 12.. Dept. of Human Resource Management, University of Strathclyde.
Department Technical Reports
Boreham, P., Laffan, W., Mackay, J., Pitt, R., Arts, D. and Cox, L. (2007). Women, working life and social wellbeing: A survey of QPSU members' attitudes. University of Queensland Social Research Centre, The University of Queensland.
Pitt, Rachael, Taloo, Sam, Chesters, Jennifer, Boreham, Paul, Laffan, Warren and Meacham, S. (2007). Australia's medical research workforce: Employment conditions and career structures. University of Queensland Social Research Centre, University of Queensland.
Arts, Dionne, Pitt, Rachael, Laffan, Warren, Boreham, Paul, Hundt, David and Caniglia, Fiona (2006). Poverty in Queensland. J6027. The University of Queensland Social Research Centre (UQSRC), The University of Queensland.
Boreham, Paul, Hundt, David and Laffan, Warren (2006). Working life and social wellbeing. University of Queensland Social Research Centre, The University of Queensland.