Laurinda Macamo

Deputy Director
Water Research Institute Mozambique
The experience in this renowned institution not only equipped me with theoretical models - it also changed my core, to be bold and serve as an agent of change in my country, community and family.

Studying at The University of Queensland, was more than being at one of the best academic institutions in the world, it was a mindset shift and lifetime experience. During this experience, I had the opportunity to learn, exchange ideas with some of the most experienced  lecturers. In addition, I attended discussion forums organized by the School of Political Science which not only exposed me to the experiences of professionals of different fields, it was also an opportunity to learn from professionals how to use theoretical  frameworks  in real life in everyday professional activities. Being a student with Portuguese as my native language, and being a single mother of two young kids, I was only able to believe I could finish the course thanks to the unconditional support of teachers and the Master Program Coordinator. The access to the University services such as student center and international office were also crucial to ensure that I finished the course. Given this experience in Australia, after one year of work back in my home country, I was promoted from Technology Transfer Head of Department to Deputy General Director of Water Research Institute in Mozambique. The experience in this renowned institution that not only equipped me with theoretical models - it also change my core, to be bold and serve as an agent of change in my country,  community and family.

Some of Laurinda's ongoing/recent activities:

Technology Transfer

WasteWater treatment in Mozmbique — Collaborative project between the Water Research Institute of Mozambique and National Water Institute of Argentina. The MOU will be signed by Science Technology Minister and Argentina Ambassador in Mozambique.

Dessalination Unit Implementation in Mozambique — Collaborative project between the Water Research Institute of Mozambique and Princeston from Czech Republic (

Water and Education

Training sessions to school students and Private (small) Water Supply operators in rural areas — this project is undertaken by Water Research Institute to create awareness on students, community members, researchers and stakeholders ondifferent topics Instance “Importance of sustainable use of water ,water quality, water and sanitation, low-cost solutionsfor water treatment.


Masters of Governance and Public Policy