Dr Nicholas Heron
Lecturer in Political Science
Undergraduate Convenor, Political Science

Heron, Nicholas (2018). Liturgical power: between economic and political theology. New York, NY, United States: Fordham University Press. doi: 10.5422/fordham/9780823278688.001.0001
Agamben, Giorgio and Heron, Nicholas (translator) (2015). Stasis: civil war as a political paradigm. Edinburgh/Stanford: Edinburgh University Press/Stanford University Press.
Book Chapters
Heron, Nicholas (2025). Prelinguisticality: Koselleck and the linguistic turn. Hermeneutics between Berlin and Paris: The search for ethics. (pp. 149-173) edited by Tim Mehigan and Christian Moser. Tübingen, Gerrmany: Mohr Siebeck. doi: 10.1628/978-3-16-163927-2
Heron, Nicholas (2023). One world? History and space in Schmitt’s post-war political theology. Political theology today: 100 years after Carl Schmitt. (pp. 125-138) edited by Mitchell Dean, Lotte List and Stefan Schwarzkopf. Sydney, NSW, Australia: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Heron, Nicholas (2016). Zoē aiōnios: Giorgio Agamben and the Critique of Katechontic Time. Agamben and radical politics. (pp. 141-164) edited by Daniel McLoughlin. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
Heron, Nicholas (2015). The Ungovernable. Agamben and law. (pp. 367-382) Surrey, England: Ashgate. doi: 10.4324/9781315097497
Clemens, Justin, Heron, Nicholas and Murray, Alex (2011). The enigma of Giorgio Agamben. The Work of Giorgio Agamben: Law, Literature, Life. (pp. 1-8) Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.
Heron, Nicholas (2011). Biopolitics; Dispositif; Claude Lévi-Strauss; Erik Peterson; Subject. The Agamben Dictionary. (pp. 36; 59; 122; 150; 187-39; 61; 123; 151; 189) edited by Alex Murray and Jessica Whyte. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
Heron, Nicholas (2011). Idea of poetry, idea of prose. The work of Giorgio Agamben: law, literature, life. (pp. 97-110) Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.
Agamben, Giorgio and Heron, Nicholas (trans.) (2008). K. The Work of Giorgio Agamben: Law, Literature, Life. (pp. 13-27) edited by Justin Clemens, Nicholas Heron and Alex Murray. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
Journal Articles
Heron, Nicholas (2021). The Superhuman Origins of Human Dignity: Kantorowicz’s Dante. Journal of the History of Ideas, 82 (3), 427-452. doi: 10.1353/jhi.2021.0021
Heron, Nicholas (2020). A semiotic approach to the history of concepts. Syndicate.
Heron, Nicholas (2015). What is a minister? Toward a theory of the instrumental cause. The New Centennial Review, 15 (3), 135-166. doi: 10.14321/crnewcentrevi.15.3.0135
Nicholas Heron (2011). The Ungovernable. Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 16 (2), 159-174. doi: 10.1080/0969725X.2011.591594
Giorgio Agamben and Nicholas Heron (trans.) (2010). Introductory Note on the Concept of Democracy. Theory and Event, 13 (1) doi: 10.1353/tae.0.0106
Virno, Paolo and Heron, Nicholas (trans.) (2009). Angels and the general intellect: individuation in Duns Scotus and Simondon. Parrhesia: A Journal of Critical Philosophy, 7, 58-67.
Newspaper Articles
Heron, Nicholas (2024, 02 25). Critique of Pure Mindlessness Sydney Review of Books
Heron, Nicholas (2017, 04 29). 70 years on, Primo Levi’s If This is A Man is still a powerful reminder of what it means to be human The Conversation