Postgraduate Research Seminars (Milestones)

These seminars are designed to encourage comment which will be helpful in progress toward the final thesis and will take the form of Statement of Intent, Work-in-Progress or Research Findings seminars depending on the year of enrolment.
Postgraduate research students are expected to attend all the seminars where possible.

Statement of Intent Seminar

Confirmation of candidature is contingent upon satisfactory review of a statement of intent seminar (which is attended by Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and/or Head of School) and supervisor's report.

The Statement of Intent paper should:

  •  locate the research in a broader field of inquiry;
  • identify the specific problem that the research is designed to address and explain why it is a significant problem;
  • identify the purpose of the research and the key research questions;
  • explain the key concepts and explanatory framework of the research with reference to prior research in the area;
  • where possible, identify the specific propositions or hypotheses that the research will explore;
  • clearly specify the research procedures and techniques including data collection, information gathering and analysis techniques;
  • provide a timetable for the research.

Work-in-Progress Seminar

A Work in Progress seminar should be undertaken within 12-18 months following the Statement of Intent and the paper should:

  • provide a brief overview of the research problem, purpose and questions;
  • report on progress since the Statement of Intent seminar;
  • explain the techniques that have been adopted in information gathering or data collection;
  • report any preliminary findings based on an analysis of information or data collected;
  • explain any revisions to the conceptual framework or research design;
  • report on any revisions to the timetable presented at the Statement of Intent seminar.

Research Findings Seminar

The Research Findings paper should normally be delivered in the semester or semester prior to that in which a candidate intends to submit their dissertation for examination and the paper should:

  • provide a brief overview of the research problem, purpose and questions;
  • provide a brief overview of data/information collection and analysis;
  • report the major findings that arise from analysis of the information or data collected;
  • explain how the results can be interpreted with reference to the conceptual framework;
  • identify the contribution of the research to the broader field within which it is located.

Confirmation of candidature is contingent upon satisfactory review of a statement of intent seminar (which is attended by Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies and/or Head of School) and supervisor's report.

For a more detailed overview of the Milestone process contact the Student & Academic Administrative Officer at