Journal articles:
- Brown, PR & Warner, SA (2021) Is Indigeneity hidden in the shadow of Australian national school reforms? Australian Journal of Social Issues, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajs4.187
- Brown, PR, Cherney, L & Warner, S (2021) Understanding Public Value – Why Does It Matter? International Journal of Public Administration, 1-5. doi:10.1080/01900692.2021.1929558
- Warner, S, Brown, P R, & Cherney, L (2021). Public Values in Pluralistic and Complex Settings – Are Agonistic Ideas the Answer? International Journal of Public Administration, 1-10. doi:10.1080/01900692.2021.1909620 (1 citation)
- Brown, P R (2021) Public value measurement vs public value creating imagination – the constraining influence of old and new public management paradigms. International Journal of Public Administration, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2021.1903498 (1 citation)
- Brown, Prudence R (2020) Framing, agency and multiple streams– a case study of parks policy in the Northern Territory. Australian Journal of Political Studies, 55(1), 55–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10361146.2019.1669532 (APSA conference PhD paper prize)
- Brown, Prudence R (2020) What tutors bring to course design – introducing political and policy theories to disengaged students. Teaching Public Administration, 38(1), 12-23 https://doi.org/10.1177/0144739419858682
- Brown, Prudence R (2019) Understanding how deficit discourses work against implementing participatory approaches in Australian Indigenous policy. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 54(4), pp. 401-417, https://doi.org/10.1002/ajs4.78
- Brown, Prudence R (2019) Understanding Barriers to New Approaches – A Case Study from Australian Remote Indigenous Policy. Critical Policy Studies, 1-18, https://doi.org/10.1080/19460171.2019.1625795 (APSA Policy Studies ECR prize)
- Brown PR and Head B (2018) Navigating tensions in co-production: A missing link in leadership for public value. Public Administration, doi: 10.1111/padm.12394
- Brown PR (2017) Attempting to cultivate more collaborative mindsets for boundary spanning in remote Indigenous policy. Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol. 76, no. 4, 412–425
Book chapters:
- Brown, P R (2021) Mindsets of policy actors involved in remote Indigenous policy – implications for new approaches. In Elizabeth Strakosch, Julie Lahn and Patrick Sullivan (eds) Bureaucratic Occupation: Government and First Nations Peoples, ANU Press
- Phillips-Brown P, Reddel T and Gleeson B (2013) Learning from experience? Getting governments to listen to what evaluations are telling them. In Better Indigenous Policies: The Role of Evaluation – Productivity Commission Roundtable Proceedings 04/2013. Productivity Commission: Canberra, 245-264
- Brown, P R & Wilson, L (2021) Embedding sustainable change in gender equality: working from the inside out, Real Impact Blog, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/opinion-and-blog/embedding-sustainable-change-gender-equality-working-inside-out
- Brown Prudence R (2018) One step forward, two steps back? The re-entry of Tony Abbott into Indigenous Affairs. The Power to Persuade. http://www.powertopersuade.org.au/blog/one-step-forward-two-steps-back-the-re-entry-of-tony-abbott-into-indigenous-affairs/17/9/2018
- Brown Prudence R (2018) Still not Closing the Gap between words and actions? Dialogue e-journal. https://dialoguejournal.org.au/still-not-closing-the-gap-between-words-and-actions/
- Brown Prudence R (2018) Doing With, Rather Than Doing To- Are We All Boundary Spanners Now? The Policy Space. http://www.thepolicyspace.com.au/2018/08/245-doing-with-rather-than-doing-to-are-we-all-boundary-spanners-now
- Brown Prudence R (2016) Closing the Gap between words and actions? Dialogue e-journal. http://dialoguejournal.org.au/closing-the-gap-between-words-and-actions/
Conference presentations:
- Brown, P R (2021) Gender equity and social inclusion policy in Papua New Guinea – an imposed agenda? International Research Society on Public Management Conference, online, April
- Brown P R, Bourne J, Brigg M, Curth-Bibb J and Moran M (2021) Regulators Supporting Corporations and Communities beyond Compliance in Indigenous Governance? Public Policy Network Conference, online, February
- Brown, P and Warner, S (2020) Is Indigeneity coming out of the shadow of Australian national school reforms? Public Policy Network Conference, Brisbane, January
- Brown, P, Cherney, L and Warner, S (2019) What is this thing called Public Value? Australian Political Studies Association Conference, Flinders University, September
- Brown, Prudence R (2019) Why doesn’t Indigenous policy look back? Australian Social Policy Conference, UNSW, September
- Brown, Prudence R (2019) Using interpretive methods to understand how deficit discourses work against the shift to implementing participatory approaches. International Research Society on Public Management Conference, Wellington, NZ, April.
- Brown Prudence R and Head Brian (2019) Is economic analysis the saviour of Indigenous service delivery? Analysing the Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry into service delivery in Indigenous communities. Public Policy Network Conference, Auckland, January.
- Brown Prudence R (2018) Critical elements of enabling environments to foster co-production efforts. Symposium on Implementing Collaborative Governance, Palermo, Italy. 26 October.
- Brown Prudence R (2018) We Can’t Live on a Piece of Paper – pragmatism and innovation in parks policy in the Northern Territory. IPSA World Congress 2018, Brisbane, July.
- Brown, Prudence R and Head, Brian (2018) Missing links in public leadership for co-creation of public value: navigating the tensions between old and new ways of working. International Research Society on Public Management Conference, Edinburgh, UK. April.Brown Prudence R (2018) Bureaucrats behaving badly? Navigating the dilemmas of the individual in public services. ANZ Public Policy Network Conference. Fremantle, WA. January.
- Brown Prudence R (2017) Failure of policy or of policy actors? Using Logics of Critical Explanation to understand barriers to change in Australian remote Indigenous policy. Australian Social Policy Conference. University of New South Wales. September.
- Brown Prudence R (2017) Failure of policy or of policy actors? Using the Logics of Critical Explanation approach to understand barriers to change in Australian remote Indigenous Policy. International Conference on Public Policy. Singapore. July.
- Brown Prudence R (2017) Bureaucrats behaving badly - using administrative traditions to legitimise adherence to old ways. International Conference on Public Policy. Singapore. July.
- Brown Prudence R (2017) A spanner in the works? Attempting to cultivate more collaborative mindsets in remote Indigenous Australia. ANZ Public Policy Network Conference, Flinders University, January.
- Brown Prudence R (2016) Deep Engagement or Wide Consultation? Equipping Policy Actors for Participatory Planning to Reduce Inequality in Remote Indigenous Australia. International Political Science Association World Congress, Poznan, Poland. July.
- Brown Prudence R (2016) Not the remotest idea: New Public Management and placed based policy in Indigenous Affairs. ANZ Public Policy Network Conference, University of New South Wales. January.
- Brown Prudence R (2015) How does the Indigenous identity constructed by policy actors affect their efforts at engagement in remote Indigenous communities? Perspectives on Identity Conference, University of Queensland. November.
- Brown Prudence R (2015) Failure of policy or failure of imagination? Incorporating collaboration and learning into the public governance of complex problems in remote Indigenous Australia. Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales. September.
Brown, P, Cherney, L, Warner, S (2020). "Understanding Public Value Workshop: animation", doi: forthcoming
Brown, P, Cherney, L, Warner, S, with Abazie, UC, Ball, S, Cunningham, L, Le, LDD., Simpson Reeves, L, and Worsoe, H (2019). "Understanding Public Value Workshop: Report on Proceedings".
- Brown, Prudence R (2018) New ways of working? Policy framing, bureaucratic mindsets and resistance to change in Australian remote Indigenous policy.