Honorary Professor Karin Aggestam
Honorary Professor
School of Political Science and International Studies

Karin Aggestam is professor in Political Science at Lund University and holds the Samuel Pufendorf Chair 2016-2020 (Torsten Söderberg Foundation & Ragnar Söderberg Foundation).
Researcher biography
For more publications, please visit research gate
- Gendering diplomacy and international negotiation (2017), co-edited with Ann Towns. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Where are the women as peace mediation? (2017), with Isak Svensson, in Gendering diplomacy and international negotiation (2017), Karin Aggestam & Ann Towns, eds. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Om Krig och Fred [On War and Peace] (fortcoming 2017, second edition) co-edited with Kristine Höglund. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Peace negotiations and peace agreements (forthcoming), Oxford University Press Handbook on Women, Peace, Security, edited by Sara Davies and Jacqui True.
- Politics, technocracy and environmental peacebuilding (forthcoming), Routledge Handbook of Environmental Conflict and Peacebuilding, edited by Ashok Swain and Joakim Öjendahl.
- Diplomacy - a gendered institution (forthcoming, 2017), with Ann Towns, in Diplomacy in a Globalising World, Pauline Kerr and George Wiseman, eds., Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Swedish feminist foreign policy in the making: Ethics, politics and gender (2016), with Annika Bergman-Rosamond. Ethics and International Affairs, Vol. 30, Issue 3, Fall. [Editors' pick for the 30th Anniversary Issue Selection]
- The failure of diplomacy and protection in Syria (2016) with Tim Dunne. Foreign Policy: Theories, Actors, Cases, Steve Smith, Amelia Hadfield, Tim Dunne (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Diplomatic mediation (2016). The SAGE Handbook of Diplomacy, Costas Constantinou, Pauline Kerr, Paul Sharp, eds.
- Genus, medling och fredsdiplomati, (2016) i Jenny Björkman, red. RJ:s årsbok 2016. Stockholm: Makadam förlag.
- The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Conflict and Water Diplomacy in the Nile Basin (2016), with R. Berndtsson, K. Madani, D.-E. Andersson. Water Diplomacy in Action. Contingent Approaches to Managing Complex Water Problems. Shafiqul Islam and Kaveh Madani, eds. London: Anthem.
- Depoliticising water conflict. The quest for functional peacebuilding in the Red Sea-Dead-Sea-Water-Conveyance project. (2016) with Anna Sundell, Hydrological Sciences Journal. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2104.99978
- Preface: Hydrology and peace in the Middle East (2016), guest editors with Ronny Berndtsson. Special section in Hydrological Sciences Journal.
- Peace mediation and the minefield of international recognition games, (2015). International Negotiation. Journal of Theory and Practice.20(3): 496-514
- Towards agonistic peacebuilding? Exploring the antagonism-agonism nexus in the Middle East Peace Process. (2015). with Fabio Cristiano and Lisa Strömbom, Third World Quarterly. 36(9): 1736-53.
- Desecuritisation of water and the technocratic turn in peacebuilding. (2015). Journal of International Environmental Agreement. Politics, Law and Economics.15(3): 327-340
- The Nile and the Grand Ethiopian Rennaissance Dam: Is there a meeting point between nationalism and hydrosolidarity?, (2015) with Dalia Abdelhady, Dan-Erik Andersson, Olof Beckman, Ronny Berndtsson, Karin Broberg Palmgren, Kaveh Madani, Umut Ozkirimli, Kenneth Persson, Petter Pilesjö, (2015). Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, Issue 155.
- The Nile Basin and Hydrosolidarity, (2015) with Dan-Erik Andersson, Ronny Berntsson and Kaveh Madani. The Middle East in London. 11(2).
- Kvinnliga medlare och hållbara fredsprocesser. (2015). Mänsklig säkerhet.
- Att bygga rättvis och hållbar 'blå' fred. (2015). 15 hållbara lösningar för framtiden. Nina Nordh, red. Lunds universitet: Hållbarhetsforum.
- Freds- och konfliktforskning. Omtvistad policyrelevans?, (2015). Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten i Lund - en vital 50-åring. En jubileumsskrift, Gunnar Andersson & Magnus Jerneck (red). Lund: Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten.
- Mellan krig och fred i Israel Palestina/Between war and peace in Israel Palestine (2014) with Anders Persson and Lisa Strömbom, Lund: Studentlitteratur
- Situating water in peacebuilding. (2014) with Anna Sundell. Journal of Water International. 39(1): 10-22.
- Conflict Analysis and International Relations (2014), Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology. Nesbitt-Larkin, P.,KInnvall, C., Capelos, T. with Dekker, H. (eds).
- Review of Gender, Nationalism and War. (2014) Journal of Political Psychology. 35(4)
- Rethinking Peacebuilding. The Quest for Just Peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkans (2013, paperback 2014) co-edited with Annika Björkdahl, London: Routledge.
- Disempowerment and marginalisation of peace NGOs: exposing peace gaps in Israel and Palestine, (2013) with Lisa Strömbom. Journal of Peacebuilding. 1(1), pp. 109-124.
- Recognitional just peace, (2013) in K. Aggestam & A. Björkdahl, eds. Rethinking Peacebuilding. The Quest for Just Peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkans. Routledge.
- Politik för en fredligare värld (2013). i Li Bennich-Björkman (red) Statsvetenskapens frågor. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Environmental Peacebuilding to Sustainable Peace, Presidential Roundtable, International Studies Association, Baltimore, 22-25 February, 2017.
- The Sage Handbook of Diplomacy, Roundtable, International Studies Association, Baltimore, 22-25 February, 2017.
- Towards a gender-just diplomacy: Gendered norms in the foreign service and practice of negotiation, with Ann Towns, International Studies Association, Baltimore, 22-25 February, 2017.
- Environmental peacebuilding, technocracy and depoliticisation, International Studies Association, Baltimore, 22-25 February, 2017.