Images of the Sacred: How Emotions Shape Beliefs about Supernatural Narratives
Presenter: Dr Charlotte Rose Millar (UQ)
Dr Charlotte-Rose Millar is a UQ Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities. In early modern England, ghosts represented a key point of religious tension. For many early Protestant reformers, ghosts could no longer be viewed as departed souls; instead, they were merely tricks of the Devil. This paper will explore differing images of the ghost from the mid-16th to the late 17th centuries and demonstrate that, despite changing notions of the ghost, fear, even overwhelming terror, remained key to how it was interpreted.
About Visual Politics Seminar Series
We run regular seminars, lectures and workshops within the Visual Politics Research Program.
The majority of seminars can be heard on the UQ POLSIS YouTube and SoundCloud channels. If you would like more details, have any questions, or if you would like to present your own work please contact Prof Roland Bleiker at
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