The most recent issue of the Australian Journal of Political Science includes a symposium, ‘Whose Politics and Which Science? Rethinking the Discipline in Settler Colonial Australia’.
Professor Sarah Maddison (University of Melbourne) and Dr Elizabeth Strakosch (The University of Queensland) edited this special issue, and three of the four articles are authored or co-authored by Indigenous scholars. APSA currently has no Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander members and prior to this symposium there were no substantive articles by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander authors in its leading national journal. This symposium aims to reflect on the circumstances that have created this situation, and raise questions about colonialism, decolonisation and race in the contemporary university.
Indigenous scholars Dr Mary Graham and Lyndon Murphy co-authored an article with Associate Professor Morgan Brigg, “Toward the dialogical study of politics: hunting at the fringes of Australian political science” which will be celebrated at an upcoming event in the School on 7 August as part of UQ’s NAIDOC events.
Dr Alissa Macoun and Kristy Parker also published, “Australian political studies and the production of disciplinary innocence”.